Chapter Seven

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            "Don't compare her to sunshine and roses, when she's clearly orchids and moonlight."

                                                                 - Melody Lee

Jenna was found standing by the big window seal the following morning. I had just gotten up, exhausted from the previous night.

Her hair was untucked and murky, her eyes slightly puffy as if she'd cried the whole night. In other words, she looked like a complete mess.

I wasn't planning on talking to her today, but seeing her in this state gave me the urge to do so. I was left unsure.

But before I could even decide, Jenna rushed towards me, firmly calling my name.

"What do you want?"

Jenna's mouth gaped for a second, as if she was about to say something -- but then merely looked down, like a child feeling ashamed after being caught breaking a valuable object.

"I just want to apologize for last night. I was... drunk, and out of my mind."

I simply sighed. "It's alright. Just... watch yourself next time. You were on the verge of tearing out my insides."

Her face went red in embarrassment, and I realized I shouldn't have said that. "Well, I'm going to head down to the cafeteria. See you later." I awkwardly said, and drifted off quickly. I felt Jenna's gaze lingering on me.

                                                                      * * *

A couple of weeks passed by, and things were going pretty well. Annie was back to her usual self, and Jenna seemed to be really trying to keep our relationship stable. We even set a few ground rules to avoid fighting -- I'll cut out some of my reading habits to spend more time with her, and she'll be nicer to Annie. She even went out of her way to apologize to her, for the way she behaved.

Although Jenna's slowly improving, she still slips out comments about Annie, at least behind her back. Ah well, there are things I have no control over.

With that being said, today was the deadline for our philosophy project. I'm so glad it's over...

We all contributed, but Annie deserves most of the credit, as she came up with all the ideas. Trevor and Jenna didn't really bother with anything, but I guess you could call me a hypocrite for saying that, as I plagiarized some of it. I hate philosophy...

Well, it didn't matter now. We were done, and that was good enough for me.

That night, my best friend "insomnia" came by to visit, so I found myself sitting by the fireplace around midnight. All was quiet, except for the crackling fire, until I heard the sound of shuffling and panting.

I jerked my head around; Annie's long hair was a mess and her eyes wide with tears and fear.

"Don't let them get her... don't let them get her!" She freaked.

I ran over to her. "Annie, what's wrong?"

She ignored me. "They're going to get her... they're going to kill her!"

Who?! Annie, what's going on?"

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. "Grayson, I saw them! In my dreams... creatures of the night, sacrificing innocents to the devil, to Satan, ruler of Oblivion-

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