Chapter Two

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                       "You don't need water to feel like your drowning, do you?"

                                                                                        - Jodi Picoult

"Grayson?  Grayson?!"

I jump at the sound of Jenna's voice. "What is it?" I asked, quite annoyed.

"You were daydreaming again!" Jenna snapped.

"Oh... sorry."

She rolled her eyes. "I was just reminding you about our little date tonight." She said in her little nagging voice that drove me crazy.


"You didn't forget now, did you?"

"No... of course not." I lied. Now, before you call me a douchebag or lousy boyfriend, you should known that this is the fifth date Jenna had set up this week. She says it's for us to 'fix' our relationship, but I overheard her talking to a friend saying it's to drag me away from literature. For once, at least. If anything, it adds to my craving for books.

"Mister Williams and Miss Moore! Please, be quiet -- you are disrupting the class." Our teacher called out suddenly.

We were sitting through history class, and just like all the other courses I have with Jenna, we were seated together.

"Sorry, Mister Smith." I spoke, slightly embarrassed. Jenna rolled her eyes once more.

Mr. Smith nodded, and continued on with his lecture. I sighed, trying to focus on the boring lesson when Jenna shoved a note in my hands.

Unfolding it, a bit irritated, I read;

You're thinking about him again, aren't you?

I scribbled back a short response. Yeah.

Ever since Garian died, I obsessed over the whole case itself. It affected me in a way where I couldn't concentrate during certain times, like class or my conversations with Jenna.

You need to get over him, you know? She wrote.

I know.

I've always had a hard time getting over things and moving on. It's one of my worst flaws.

I passed the note back to her, and before she could write anything else, the bell rang.

Finally, I thought.

Today's lessons were over, and I instantly found myself heading to the library. Thanks to Jenna, I haven't gone in a week.

"Grayson! Where are you going?" Jenna called over in the hallway.

"Uh... the library?"

Jenna gave me a look of disapproval, and for a second I thought she was going to protest -- but only said; "Oh. Well, don't forget about our date tonight, okay? Right after dinner."

"Don't worry, I won't. I'll see you then." I said. She smiled, and kissed me on the cheek. I felt my face go red, as it always does when she kisses me. I loved the feeling.

When I arrived at the library, I took my usual seat -- a black armchair that sat by a window, overlooking the woods that lay right outside the school; woods that go on for miles.

I took out my book, flipping it open. Immediately, I was lost in the world within the pages. One of the only ways that gets my mind off Garian's case. How I missed the feeling...

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