Chapter Six

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   "While they all fall in love with her smile, she waits for one who will fall in love with her scars."

                                                                                                       - The Dreamer

I felt my heart pounding as I straightened my tie. I combed my hair several times before heading to the lounge.

Jenna was found waiting by the window. She was wearing a long, yellow gown and her lofty hair was tied into a braid.

"Grayson..." she smiled. "You look handsome."

I smirked. "Thanks. You look... wonderful."

Jenna giggled and tugged at my tie. "Well, we should get going now." I held out my arm and she took it.

The ballroom was crowded with people. It was way different than it usually is -- students were waltzing to the music being played by the orchestra remaining at the corner; it was almost like we stepped back in time.

"Well..." I spoke, "Shall we dance?"

"Took you long enough." Jenna teased.

Taking her hand, we made our way through the crowd. We waltz gracefully across the room, and I counted all the steps Annie taught me. 1, 2, 3, 4.... Jenna seemed to be enjoying it, and so was I. Maybe our relationship was getting better.

"Those lessons you took paid off." Jenna remarked as I twirled her around.

"Yeah, they did."

"I wonder... who taught you?"

"A friend of mine." I replied simply.


"That doesn't matter-

"Who?" Jenna stopped, looking at me with concern and a pinch of anger.

"Annie. It's no big deal."

Jenna's face turned bright red. "You're still hanging out with that freak?!" She spat.

"She's not a freak, and yes, she's my friend. She came to me when I desperately needed to learn how to please my girlfriend during a dance, and she happened to know how. So there you go."

Jenna fixated at me for a long moment before saying; "How do I know you're not cheating on me?"

I scoffed. "Is this what it's all about? Jenna, I didn't want to tell you because you constantly judge her for everything. You're friends with Trevor, and I never once thought of the two of you that way."

Jenna cleared her throat uncomfortably, then said; "She's a freak no matter what you say."

She pushed past me and stormed out of the crowd, off to some of her friends. I sighed, and headed towards the snack table, where there were less people.

As I stood there I observed the crowd of couples dancing delicately -- I took into consideration whether or not I should leave.

Chances are Jenna isn't going to be speaking to me for the rest of the night. Which, at this point, I honestly don't mind. Especially after she'd get mad at me for stupid reasons.

"Hello, Gray." I heard Annie's sweet voice call out.

My head turned instantly as I greeted her back, feeling a bit relieved seeing her face.

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