Chapter Nine

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                         "Everyone has a chapter they don't read out loud."

                                                                       - Unknown

Annie was nowhere to be seen. I've checked everywhere -- the ballroom, the balcony, library, schoolyard... I've been left with the conclusion that she was in her dorm. I hope she's in her dorm.

Her absence led me to insomnia. I couldn't close my eyes without seeing her tearful face. It was all my fault this happened.

I should have never mentioned Garian.

It only took me a couple of seconds before I realized that I was heading to the lounge. Yet I only sat on the wide staircase instead of the couch. I didn't think I deserved warmth nor comfort.

Suddenly, I heard someone scuttle down the steps; a girl gasping out rasped breaths in panic.

I turned -- Annie practically tripped down the stairs, clutching the thick wooden rail for support. She hadn't even changed from her previous outfit.

Running, I caught her before she fell. "Annie, I've been looking for you... are you okay?"

"The woods." She breathed.


"I must go there!"

She let go of my grasp and bolted out of the lounge, into the Schooling Wing. "Annie, wait!"

I chased after her through the dim hallway, calling after her numerous times. I've seen her in this state before... but this was a different level of extreme. It scared me.

We hustled until she finally came to a shortstop, by the giant oak doors that led to the auditorium. Still I didn't geet the chance to speak as she swung open the doors, mumbling words I cannot distinguish.


She darted down the steps of the chapel, fleeing to the backdoor, where it led to the woods. "Shit!"

I had a hard time following her in the dark. I could barely see anything, and the only way I was able to spot her was through her voice.

The trees were thick, and I had a constant worry that I would run into one. It felt like we were running for minutes.

Then, the trees slowly began to part, and I saw a glint of light in the distance. Annie stopped just behind a thicker tree, and I stood behind her.

My heart nearly stopped as I looked into the clearing.

A huge campefire had been set, and next to it, about five or six hooded figures standing in a circle, holding hands and humming something in a language I did not understand.

"Annie, what-


She leaned in a little closer, although not too far to expose herself. I followed.

As I examined the scene, I noticed that there was a white circle painted on the ground, with an eye drawn in the middle -- and laying on it, a girl, limbs tied and mouth gagged. She was unconscious.

"They're going to kill her." Annie whispered.


"I've already told you, Gray. Kathy Burns."

I studied the girl closely; long curly hair, pretty face... that nightmare of Annie's turned out to be a vision after all.

Her nightgown had blood stains seeping through, and from the light of the fire I noticed she was bruised.

"We need to stop them!" I mumbled.

"We can't." Annie hissed.

"Why not?!"

"They're six of them, two of us. They are dangerous!"

She paused for a second. "Night Stalkers. Immortals. Not vampires, but something worse. More brutal. Constant nightmares about them... killing innocents... I can't believe I only figured it out now. It's the reason why so many people are missing."

"Are you going to tell the Headmaster?"

Annie scoffed, as if I had asked her an ignorant question. "Of course, not. He won't believe me. Besides, it sounds plain crazy."

Before I could say anything, the humming came to a sudden stop. It became eerily quiet.

They dropped each other's hands, and one figure took out a dagger from their cloak. Another pulled out a chalice.

The one with the dagger appraoched Kathy and took her arm, slicing a long thin cut as the other placed the chalice underneath it, letting the blood pour in.

They lay Kathy on her back, the one with the chalice backing into the circle.

Then, they began chanting something in that odd language; as if they were casting a spell, or summoning a demon. The one in the middle held their dagger up.

My heart pounded violently against my rib cage as the figure plunged the blade into Kathy's chest.

She shot up and screeched; a deafening sound so loud and unnatural that it could wake the whole school up, even if we're miles away.

Their strange words got louder and more intense as she started flopping on the dirt like a fish out of sea, more and more blood pouring out of her chest.

The figure ripped off the tape from her mouth, and she began throwing up foam, her screams gargled.

"Just like in my sleep..." Annie said in a panicked tone.

It was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. Kathy banged her head on the ground vigorously; her blood spread all across her nightgown, along with the foam, soaking it.

It lasted about a minute until Kathy's misery came to an end, letting out her final agonizing breath.

And here I stand, watching her lifeless body laying there, drenched in blood. I felt myself tremble.

The woods fell silent, so silent you could hear the leaves rustle, crickets chirp, the fire crackling. I felt cold.

The chalice was passed around, each figure taking a sip from it. I felt sick.

Then they each their hoods off, revealing their faces. Through the firelight, I didn't recognize any of them.

Until something caught me off guard. I got a closer look at them.

Jenna and Trevor's faces rose the brightest from the fire.

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