TJ - Hunters

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"Oliver White?"

"Who else?"

"Who even are you?" TJ couldn't believe this, not only was Luca after them but now even Oliver. And Jordan's mom was alive-ish and a vampire. Did Jordan even know? 

"TJ! I need you to focus." Adita grabbed TJ's shoulders, getting straight into their line of vision.

"This man, his name is Henry. Henry is nice, I need you to breathe. And then we can get out of here and figure out how Oliver found us and why he isn't going after his son."  

"Why would he go after Jordan?" Henry asked, he titled his head, and closed his eyes. TJ guessed he was trying to listen to the outside. 

"Jordan attacked Teo, James, and Luna and kidnapped Lukas, one of Luca's prized deltas."

"That's not Jordan, there's no way he would do that."

"That's cause he is trying to push his humanity away." Henry said as he pushed both of them down onto the floor.

"What the hell!" TJ tried to get back up, only to be held down by both Henry and Adita.

"Don't move." Henry whispered sharply, as red lights filled the house.

"They aren't hunting you guys are they?" TJ knew you don't shoot a vampire. And you don't hunt a vampire a night.

"No, no they are not." Adita tugged TJ closer, wanting to protect the young one and keep them safe. 

Noise began to become too much, and soon TJ found it hard to breathe. Their head was spinning, and each breath made it worse. They felt tears pool in their eyes, and as soon as Henry pushed closer to them, the tears dropped. 

"I don't want to die." TJ whispered.

"You won't die. We won't let you die." Adita's heart broke. TJ was only 20, compared to her and Henry, they were still a child. Adita pleaded with Henry with one look, and soon enough they were starting to plan a way to try and get out.

"Let me see if I can look out the windows?"

"No, I just met you. And I don't want to explain to Jordan why I'm the reason we don't make it out of here. Well I wouldn't be explaining it, cause you know. Dead."

"TJ. We are not dying today. And we need to get out of here. I need to see if we are surrounded or if they are just in the front."

"Okay, yeah." TJ nodded, they tried to get their breath under control as more red lights seemed to enter the room as Henry got up to move.

"TJ, I'm going to need you to understand something."

"Mrs. White, what more do I need to understand right now?"

"If you begin to die, or if we reach a point where it may be needed, Henry may turn you."


"Please. Try to understand he just wants to keep people safe."

TJ couldn't believe this. No they let Jordan turn them and now they are being hunted by two powerful groups. One they thought was their family. 

"No, I will not be turned into a vampire. If I am turned into anything again it will be a werewolf by Jordan's side once again." 

"There is a clearance in the back where we can escape from. Come on." Henry said as he slowly walked towards the duo on the ground. 

TJ and Adita got up, and followed Henry to the back of the cabin. There was an opening that seemed Henry made a clear path already. As soon as they got outside it was so loud TJ dropped and covered their ears. Henry and Adita were screaming, and red dots appeared as footsteps surrounded them.

"TJ! Oliver White has ordered for your containment! Your helpers or captors are under orders to be brought in." A voice said, a voice that sounded familiar.

"Turn that bloody machine off." TJ knew that accent.  TJ knew that accent, they wanted to look up, they wanted to see if they were wrong but their head hurt so bad.

"Congratulations TJ, your wolf is still in there somewhere." TJ looked up at that to be met with Teo and Jeremiah.

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