James- The Nightmare

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 Leo wanted to figure this humanity stuff out, if he can get Jordan to return his humanity then the war the prophecy speaks of will not be as brutal, but how can you get a wolf to welcome his humanity back when the first person he ever bit was killed because of him. He raided his library, documents, scrolls from the elders, everything he had written, spoken, visual, anything, and so far nothing. He was close to losing hope, how are they suppose to stop this. How are they going to get him to return to the old Jordan, the man everyone loved.

  "Sir, if I may, have you checked the book with his prophecy in it?" A voice asked from the shelves, he chalked it up to a libestermia, or a knowledge worm.  

How could Leo be so stupid, of course that will have something. He searched his shelves, tables, chairs, the book was gone. He couldn't believe it, how could a book he used yesterday be gone? 

"Where is it?" He flipped tables, tore apart shelves, the book as no where in his library.

He ran to his office, maybe he took it there. There to he tore apart shelves, desks, nothing. He did the same in every room possible, this book was no longer in his house. It was gone. 'Who all has been here?' He thought to himself, he started to list of people. 'Me, Jordan, James, Luna, and Wyatt.' He froze, dropped the papers he had in his hands his eyes widening, "No, no please no." He couldn't believe this, how could this be true. 

Everyone was ready to  sit down and plan how to get TJ back, sure they won't be a werewolf anymore, but hopefully at least knowing their alive will help Jordan heal. As James walked to the couch he realized Jordan wasn't there, neither was Oliver. 

    "Where are they?" James asked, worry seeping into voice.

Everyone looked down, that's not good. 

  "Where are they?" He raised his voice some this time. "If I have to ask one more time, I-"

He was cut of by Oliver appearing, "Stop yelling, I swear you wolves-" 

James growled, he couldn't believe Oliver at this moment. His son messes up once, and now is the worst person in existence, James himself has messed up so many times and Oliver still looks him in the face, still treats him with respect. 

"Dad! Their human too!" Olivia yelled.

'No were not.' James thought, looking down.

"No their not! Their rabid beasts!" 

James couldn't listen to this anymore and left, he didn't know where Jordan was, so he couldn't get him, and he really didn't need Jordan seeing him like this.  He didn't talk about his past for a reason, and the reason wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.

"James! James!" Luna called out, making him run faster.

"James!" Olivia called first vocally then she repeated it mentally.

He continued running, he couldn't stop, not when there was a chance he would lose control.

"James!" Jordan yelled, that one made his run stutter. He didn't know whether to continue or go back. He knew that if Jordan saw him it would be game over, but how can he face Jordan after almost losing control, and their still being a chance of him doing so. 

"James?" The voice was closer this time, he didn't know they were walking. "Hey, buddy." 

When did he close his eyes? He didn't remember doing so. He looked up and saw Jordan, but sadly this wasn't his Jordan, there was no emotion in his eyes, and there was blood on his face. 

"Wha-, What happened?" James asked.

"You lost control don't you remember?" Jordan asked, as the scene changed, everyone, Luna, Leo, Teo, Sam, Liam, Jeremiah, there were all dead.

James opened his eyes, his breathing quickening, and heart going crazy. He didn't register that he woke up until he started crying. As he looked around the room certain words repeated in his mind, "Their beasts", "You lost control". The way everyone looked, blood everywhere, he tried his hardest to clear his head, and breath, but it was getting harder and harder as the more aware he became. Even though the sun was shining through his window and even though it was warm for a September day, his mind made everything feel so dark and cold.

He hadn't had a dream that bad in a while, last one was when he first started the academy, instead of his family and pack it was Luna, headmaster, and a few of his friends from his old school. He got up and hoped maybe a change in scenery will help. 

He got up and left his room to head to the kitchen, just walking the same path was giving him anxiety, as he had flashes from his dream. The closer he got to the kitchen the more harder it got to breath. As soon as he got to the kitchen tears fell from his eyes, and his breathing was longer in a pace that could be considered normal. He knew what was happening he was having a panic attack, and he didn't know how to stop it this time.

"James?" Luna called out.

Next will be Olivia, his mind supplied.

"James?" Jordan asked, running towards him.

"Jordan?" He looked up, but his eyes were so blurry from tears and lack of oxygen he couldn't see much other than shapes.  He couldn't believe this was happening, he's not human, a panic attack is a human issue.

"Hey, look at me." Jordan whispered, grabbing his face.

James looked up, he couldn't believe this was happening, Jordan never had these, Luna never did.

"Hey, breath, follow me." He put James' hand on his chest and slowed his breathing dramatically so he could follow.

"In." He took a dramatic breath in. James shakily followed.

"Good, now out." He took a dramatic breath out, James followed tears escaping his eyes at this point.

"Good now again, in." They repeated this for a few minutes until Jordan got James calmed down enough to breath on his own. 

"What happened?" Jordan was concerned, was an understatement. His eyes screamed 'talk to me'.

"I-I. I don't," James was gonna lie, but he made the mistake of looking Jordan in the eyes. "I had a nightmare. I killed you all. Oliver called us beasts, and worst part was it was all so realistic." He started crying again, but this time without having panic attack.

"Hey, nightmares are common, I have them all the time." Jordan pulled James into a hug, though James was older, Jordan was the alpha and you could tell in this moment.

"You have nightmares?" James asked, disbelief on his face.

"Yep, and panic attacks." 

"But, those are human issues." 

"Well, lest you believe we used to be human at one point, so I think it would be normal for us to have issues that carried over. And what we are actually called means 'wolf-man', so by definition we are half human." Jordan told James before hugging him. "Want to tell me, what you were gonna do once you got down here?" 

"I was just gonna sit and drink some tea, I was hoping a change in scenery would help." 

Jordan nodded, "Fair reason, now you should go get changed. Then me, you, and Luna are going to school." 

James looked up at Luna who shrugged, her eyes also showed concern.

"Okay, I will go do that? Uniform or guest?" James knew this question would answer what they were doing.


James nodded, emotion leaving his eyes. There was a high possibility they were going for an unwanted reason. Unwanted by everyone but Jordan.

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