James - The Letter

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James couldn't believe how things ended with Jordan, he no longer had an alpha. He no longer had a pack; he was all alone again.  He didn't know what led him to Jordan's room, what made him sit on the bed of the man who abandoned him. As he stared at the wall filled with photos of memories Jordan had treasured, he felt the pain return as he realized Jordan may never return.

James got up off the bed and walked to the wall. The first one he saw was Jordan's first day at the Academy. He stood next to James and TJ with a big smile on his face and his brown eyes sparkling with a light James didn't know he could miss.  He remembered how nervous Jordan was, how much Jordan begged his dad to not have him go in fear of the others hating him. James had given him a necklace, and told him no matter what went wrong they would always have each other.

As he looked at the next picture, he could see a piece of paper under the frame. This picture was of him and Jordan at a park in Asia, they went to visit some of Jeremiah's cousins. They were standing on a bridge that had cherry blossoms hanging over and some even falling. Looking back it was so peaceful, but seeing the image it was pure magic.

When he moved the frame from being on top of the letter he heard something fall out of it. As he reached behind the frame, his fingers crossed along a necklace. One that mirrored the one he gave to Jordan his first day at the academy. And the meaning was there, "No matter what happens, we will always have each other." James put the necklace on before opening the letter.

"Luna!" James yelled as tears reached his eyes again.  

"James?" Luna came to a skidding halt at Jordan's door.

"He left a note."

James watched as Luna's face fell. The past couple days had been hell, they both could barely function, James was in and out of control barely able to keep hold on his wolf. As he reached the note out to Luna, she entered the room and grabbed it. He watched as realization and grief crossed her face with each word she read.

"How didn't we see it? How could we let him get this bad?" Luna looked up from the words Jordan left, and met James' eyes. 

"I don't know. I don't know." James' voice was full of regret, if someone were to walk into the room, they would think a person had just died. And though no one physically died, Jordan's humanity is slowly becoming a past thought. 

"We need to tell the others. They need to know, especially the one he mentioned by name."

James knew Luna had a point, but he also needed to tell her about the necklace, but it felt too personal, too much of a secret between him and Jordan, so he decided against it. 

"Okay, let's go."

James tucked the necklace behind his shirt and they both headed out the living room. Even if they already called the hunters and Jordan wanted them called off, Oliver wouldn't allow it. This was his empire, his business no matter what James wouldn't be allowed to overstep. Jordan was not an animal to be hunted down, he was not a creature to hate on. He was a young man who was thrust into a war that not even the mentally strongest man alive could make it back from unscathed. 

As they reached the room, Luna pulled out her phone to call Leo, they needed him here too.

"Okay, I need everyone's attention. Once Leo gets here we have an update on Jordan." Luna looked up from her phone, a grim look in her eyes.

"Leo's not coming. He is currently helping Jordan."

"He knew? He knew all this time that he was-?" James was cut off by Luna looking behind him.

Oliver had stood up and walked towards the two. His eyes were filled with hatred, and stilled fear in both of them knowing at any point he could call the hunters on them. 

"What is going on with that wolf?" He wouldn't even say his name anymore. To Oliver Jordan was this animal, this creature that needed to be killed.

"He left a note. He is going after Luca alone. He pushed us all away so he could do it alone." James spoke quietly, another change in the man that originally stood tall and spoke with no fear. He now was shrunken down in stance and spoke softly, sometimes you couldn't even hear him. 

"Are you telling me, you called us all here, just to tell us that that wolf was playing you all. Well message received." Oliver sneered.

"He also had a message for some of you." Luna stepped in front of James.

"And what was that? Huh? That he was sorry for leaving? That he had issues he needed to solve? Well I don't want to hear it, any of it!" 

James opened the letter and started reading. " Dear everyone. I am sorry for leaving as suddenly as I am, but there is a reason for this departure. Please call off the hunters, and don't try tracking me down I need to do this alone."

"I am not calling off the hunters, he attacked on my best, and so in return he will be tracked down."

"James I know you can't forgive me but at least don't blame yourself. Luna I am sorry for being the alpha you chose to protect. Olivia, Teo, Jeremiah."

All three turned towards James as he read off their names.

"Please tell me he isn't saying goodbye, it sounds too much like a goodbye." Olivia had tears pooling in her eyes as she spoke.

"Please make sure dad doesn't do anything stupid." Olivia laughed as the tear finally left her eyes.

"This is stupid, of course he left. He doesn't care about any of you!" Oliver stormed out of the room.

"I can't be around you guys till I end this with Luca. Don't follow, I need to do this ALONE. Goodbye everyone. I hope you understand. With great sorrow, Jordan White."

The room was filled with a stiffness that no one dared break. James put the letter away, and looked up. 

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