TJ - Unsafe

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TJ no matter how much they wanted to trust Adita, couldn't. As they looked across the couch towards this woman who is supposed to be Jordan's mother, they couldn't believe any word she said. Needing to test her, TJ decided to ask their own questions.

"Okay, so you know my story, now what is yours?" TJ knew this caught Adita's attention, as her head shot up with the last few words they spoke.

"Oh uh, well," TJ smirked internally, 'Gotcha.'

"When I met Oliver it was like he could walk on water, for the longest time we just existed. Before I found out about the White's family business, I had wanted to run away with him."

"But?" TJ knew the story of Adita and Oliver, as Oliver himself told it to Jordan and them when they were both younger.

"I found out about his families business. Hunters and powered humans, this was not a good mix if you didn't know what was going on. The more I found out, the more it became an issue for our relationship. TJ you do know what the Whites are right?"

TJ knew, of course they did. TJ was a part of their business now after years of being around them. You don't let random people join an oligarchy family.

"When I found out what they were, Oliver's father gave me two choice, stay quite as most people hadn't caught on yet, or I could marry in. Now, I knew that most people weren't going to go with option two, so I went with it."

"You joined an oligarchy family, because you wanted to be different?" TJ couldn't believe their ears, here this woman was explaining she basically joined the mafia, because she wanted to be different.

"I married into the family, because it gave me power, being different than most was an added advantage."

Hearing her reasoning, made TJ wonder did Adita get bitten, or was Oliver trying to eliminate her? TJ decided to wait, and hear her out some more before forming their opinion.

"As I talk around some more, I became to realize that Oliver didn't want a wife, but his father wanted heirs. Oliver had to produce at least two heirs, Jordan will have to too. If you know about this family, you are probably Olivers go too for Jordan."

"Okay, so what happened after you married Oliver?" TJ didn't want to think of anything with Jordan, they needed to hear the rest of this.

"I got pregnant, and Olivia was born. A girl being heir, Oliver's father was furious, and decided a new one as needed. So, then Jordan was born, we both decided that Jordan wasn't to know the full extent of why he was born until he was 25 or closer to becoming the Don. When the time came and he still wasn't ready we had a system created. Jordan would be the Don on the outside, on the inside we would be trained until it was certain he was ready. Jordan would be taught by Theo, or Jeremiah."

TJ was confused, none of this was adding up. Jordan knew of his position right? Or was only the ones who knew were the ones closest to him? TJ would hate to see the day he found out.

"How did you get bit?" TJ knew Adita was trying to keep them off track, and get them scared of the Whites, but they weren't going to let that happen.

"We were walking down to the woods, Oliver said he wanted to watch the Cottonwood tree bloom for the first time that year. As we got close, he pushed me out into the clearing. If I knew that day he was turning against me, I would have ran, but I thought we was just playing around. A wolf, with black hair, and yellow eyes, came running towards me and he bit me arm." Adita pulled up her sleeve to show the scar, but that was weird, Jordan didn't have a scar, neither did they.

"I don't believe you." They said aloud.

"Why?" Adita asked, their eyes stone cold.

"Your scar, neither I, James, or Jordan have one for when we were bit. Jordan was bitten on his arm, James was bitten on his shoulder, I was also bitten on mine. No scars remain, Luna said it was because of our healing. If you were bitten on your arm, it shouldn't have left a scar."

"You're a smart girl."

"I'm not a girl!"

Adita's eyes hardened even more, as they smiled. "And this is why I don't like the newer generations. All of these pronouns, and sexualities."

TJ wanted to scream, how could Jordan's mom be so...cruel? The closer TJ looked for aspect of Jordan in Adita, the more they realized there isn't any. Jordan's brown curly hair wasn't in Adita's blonde straight hair. Jordan's brown chocolate eyes, weren't in Adita's bright blue eyes. Jordan's face shape wasn't in Adita's oval face. Jordan's shoulder structure wasn't in Adita's. None of Olivia was their either, no brown eyes, no red hair, no broad shoulders.

"Who are you really?"

Adita laughed, pure venom in her voice as she spoke the next sentence. "I am Adita White, but no one didn't say I stayed the same once I was bitten. 

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