James- Heartbreak

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James couldn't breathe. His heart was in pieces, he felt cold inside and there was now a hollow space where the bond used to be. James lived almost his entire life as an omega, but having the bond he always craved for taken from him by force was the most painful and unwelcomed feelings he wished never happened. 

As he looked up at Luna who was trying to get him up off the pavement, he didn't realize he fell onto, he came to the realization that Jordan was now gone, and after disowning his beta, there was no getting him back. 

"It hurts." Tears fell from his eyes as he tried communicating the feeling he was having into words.  

"I know little wolf. I know, and there is nothing we can do. He's gone." Luna may have been right, but James didn't want to hear that right now.

"Come on we need to get back and tell everyone that Jordan is now a danger. No matter how much we don't like it it's the truth and the hunters need to know." Teo told the duo, as he got into the driver's side. 

James couldn't believe this was happening, last year he would have protected Jordan from anything, he would have killed for him, now. Now he just wanted to save Jordan from himself, even if it meant putting him down.

"Okay," he sniffled, "Lets tell them, but!" He yelled, "He has to hurt them or attempt to hurt them for them to use anything but the wolfsbane darts."

Luna nodded, a stray tear falling from her eye. As she helped him off the ground and into the car, Lukas had woken up. He was smiling as he looked at how broken Luna and James were.

"He abandoned you too, he is one of the worst alphas I know. Or is he even an alpha anymore since he has abandoned two omegas and killed a wolf spirit?" Lukas taunted.

James stared forwards, his eye twitching with every sentence Lukas said. One punch and he would be quiet, but James couldn't promise it would end there.  He was so distraught even a punching bag may not make it out unscathed.

In the beginning of trying to find TJ James and Luna wondered how to prepare someone for a death of a loved one, but now they themselves had to prepare and overcome the chance of Jordan's death. And even if he didn't die by the hunters about to be released, he would killed by Luca or even TJ is she went savage when her wolf spirit was killed. 

As they passed through the city, every small movement caught his eyes and he looked to see if perhaps Jordan was following them on foot. The closer they got the to the house, the more his anxiety rose. Now that he wasn't Jordan's beta would Oliver let him stay or would he be kicked out or killed?  Not wanting to think anymore, he looked at Luna with a look she had not seen in many years. Pleading blue eyes met silver in a cross of understanding and sadness.

"Close your eyes. Look for your wolf, and guide him to the door." Was all Luna had to say for a switch that hasn't happened since James as 12 happened right in front of her. Numbness in her eyes, when she realized James may never return. 

"James? J? Which one?" Luna asked, as Teo looked at them through the mirror.

"I like J." J told Luna, as he settled in the seat. "So, alpha left huh?" A growl was present in his voice as he said it. 

"J, this is going to confuse you, but no Jordan didn't leave." Teo answered, eyes straight on the road.

"What do you mean?" Luna asked, confusion and hurt showing in her eyes. 

"I mean he is pushing you guys away, and you guys are letting him. No matter how much you hurt, just know he is hurting ten times worse because he is doing it all to keep you safe." 

J looked Teo up and down, before growling. "Your lying!"

"If I was lying, then how would I know that Jordan has been following this vehicle for the past hour." 

"NO! I refuse to believe that!" 

"Fine. Don't believe me, but just," Teo shook his head, "just know his humanity isn't gone, he wants you to believe that it is." 

  Luna looked at J, her eyes showing hope for the first time in the months since TJ went missing. J wanted to ignore it, he wanted to shut down that hope, though being a wolf means he can't feel most emotions, he was still hurt and feeling betrayed with everything his alpha did to him.

the prophecy wolf: Finding And Breakingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن