TJ- Disownment

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TJ sat in the chair as the scalpel went into their arm again and again. Their eyes flashed yellow as they felt a snip, a cord was cut, their wolf's lifeline. As if someone cut a wire connecting them to each other, something giving them power, life. Tears came to TJ's eyes as they realized what happened. Jordan gave up on them, Jordan cut the connection making them his Delta, his first turn. Jordan was gone, and so was TJ's safety. He cut off their connection all together, he cut them off.

     "No!" Luca yelled as he stormed into the room sensing the change in TJ's soul. "Tell me he didn't do that! Tell me that fucking Dracutu didn't tell him to do that!" He yelled. The look on TJ's face was enough of an answer, they were broken and hollow. "He did! Damn it! Kill them! They are no longer of any use to us. Jordan gave up on them. It would be a mercy to put that omega down." Luca told Sergei. 

     "Are you sure?" He asked the alpha.

       "Are you questioning me?" Luca asked the man stepping forwards, eyes glowing. 

      "No sir!" He replied, grabbing a knife. 

        "Good." He said as he left the room.

TJ looked at the man in fear, hoping, despite knowing the hope was false, that Jordan didn't give up on them. TJ knew Jordan did it, TJ was no longer a delta, they'll probably not even a werewolf anymore. 

   The man took advantage of TJ's fear and hope, "Your alpha no longer cares, gave up, forgot you!" He taunted. 

    "No! He didn't, he is coming, I know he is!" 

     "Are you sure, I watched as the connection as it was cut, you screamed. Your eyes flickered and your soul died. Jordan gave up, just like your dad, just like all of your old friends." 

    He taunted TJ as they shook their head, "No, he will come and tell me why!" TJ said, crying, trying to ignore everything else he said, Jordan is different, he wouldn't abandon them.

     The man shook his head laughing, "Dumb little puppy..." He laughed lifting the knife. As soon as the knife reach their neck, the door exploded. Flames and dust went everywhere. It was as if a whole wall of chalk was obliterated and all that was left was the dust in the air.

It hurt to breathe, and everything was really loud, even with everything going on, the fear that this noise came with was even worse. 

As they looked up hoping to see or smell Jordan, to realize this was not him who did this was even worse. As Sergei looked around, he seemed to see or sense who it was as his next sentence left TJ confused. 

 "Impossible, Master killed you." 

"I don't think so, as I am right here." A new female voice said.

TJ knew that voice, it was a voice they hadn't hear in years, one they thought they would never hear again. 

"Mrs. White?" TJ looked surprised, there was no way this was real.

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