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partner in crime

sunoo i freaking
can't believe you

heeseung urgh it's online huh?

sunoo it's everywhere
on the college page,
expect to be bombarded
at school with questions
and comments, also the
principle will follow your
ass, like it's the 4th time
he will warn you then?

heeseung as if he'll kick me
off of school, my grades
are still good despite always
fighting with the "jocks",
they just need to shut up
for once and then this
will never happen again!

sunoo then you need to shut
up too, even if they breath you
want to attack them and your
friends are really the type to
just join you, people don't
know we're friends so i can't
be around you to stop you but
you also never listen to me

heeseung i'm really trying my
best to not attack them but they
just annoy me! they think they're
the best, upper class and that
they always need to be treated
like kings, i can't stand it,
they stink and are arrogant.

sunoo just don't pay attention to
them, you're always reaching to
the smallest things, they aren't
always on your path at school,
focus on making music, if you
wanna produce music you
should be in the studio 24/7

heeseung that's not good tho

sunoo but it's better than
fighting, you get my point

heeseung mhm, thanks for
keeping up with me

sunoo yeah of course,
friends forever

heeseung ouch that hurts

sunoo ow shut up, your crush
on me was ages ago and i
rejected you because i don't
see you more than a friend

heeseung i knowwwww but still,
how could you reject me?! *gasp*

sunoo because you're not my
type heeseung, get over it 🤪

heeseung you'll regret it

sunoo try me

𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin