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--Boar Hat, earlier--
"Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth called out as she jogged up the stairs after hearing a loud explosion. It'd been a couple days since Zeldris disappeared with me. She opened the door of the room Meliodas was, only to find the entire outside wall was destroyed. Elizabeth stared out towards the landscape as Hawk's Mom headed closer and closer to Liones, Meliodas nowhere to be seen.

My eyes flew open as I quickly used shadow magic to restrain our would be murderer, shadows tightly grasped each of his wrists, ankles, and the one around his throat I began slowly tightening. "Estarossa, that's not a very nice way to greet your brothers," I mocked the middle brother as he glared at me, Meliodas and Zeldris were now awake on either side of me. His magic dissipated as I continued to choke him, "Mel, do you want to do the honors? He's the one who killed you, right?" The blonde glared at the man slowly losing consciousness in my grasp, "Keep him alive. We can use him to collect the Commandments." Zeldris tensed on the other side of me, "What do you need the Commandments for, brother?" I already knew as I stared my incubus down, "What a sneaky way to steal the throne." His black eyes flashed to mine as he grabbed my throat tightly, "Watch it, succubus. You're getting awfully close to needing to be reminded of who I am." Estarossa slumped into a pile on the ground, asleep, Meliodas' grip on my throat made me drop my magic.

"I'm just saying, you bet the throne with Zeldris on who knocked me up first. Now you're taking it regardless," I choked out, my dark pomegranate eyes dared my lover to kill me knowing full well he'd be killing himself in the process. Zeldris had moved off the bed and grabbed his sword, neither of us remaining on the bed flinched as he plunged his sword through one of his brother's hearts to make him release my throat. I grinned and tackled Meliodas, grabbing his face and kissing him lustfully. He tasted like copper, the blood in his mouth from his heart being destroyed invaded his flavor but I didn't care, my own blood mixed with his. Zeldris grabbed my wrist and pulled me off his brother to take a shower, considering I was now covered in the blonde's blood who remained where he was, seething and rock hard. I let my dark haired lover lead me into the shower, I hissed as the hot water ran through my hair and down my back. Zeldris was silent as he took it upon himself to wash me off, I could feel his anxiety about my state of mind as well as Meliodas'.

I grabbed his wrists and peered up into his green eyes clouded with worry, "There's nothing you could've done differently, Zeldris. This was our fate from the start. Meliodas doesn't have enough power to break the curses as he is. You and I both know he won't want the throne once he does so." The frown on his face didn't budge until I kissed it softly, his mouth moved in sync with mine. I quickly dropped to my knees and grabbed his cock, licking his head slowly as I stared into his soul. "You'll always by my Demon King, Zeldris," I whispered before sucking his head, rolling my tongue all around him, "So let me worship my king." He hissed and tangled his fingers in my hair, allowing me to keep the tempo but resting his hand on my head in case he couldn't take it anymore. I took my time in pleasuring him, using one of my hands to massage his balls and the other to stroke him intermittently when my jaw was sore and I could only suck on his head. He tightened his grip in my hair as I worked him faster, he let out a groan as he released his cum inside my mouth. I swallowed hungrily and continued to suck him until he finally pulled himself away from me, chuckling when I whined.

Meliodas wasn't in the room by the time Zeldris and I finished our shower. Unsure where he would've went I took my time to focus on his energy, humming in curiosity when I noticed he was way above me. I couldn't shadow walk to him so I spread my wings and took off from the balcony. I must've been distracted, I didn't notice Cassius' presence until he was behind me with his sword to my throat. Meliodas' black eyes burned holes through my brother, Cassius had lured him away to use as bait to catch me. "It's been awhile, little sister. Glad to see you've made it back," he growled quietly in my ear. I gritted my teeth as I stared at my lover, pretending Zeldris wasn't slowly approaching Cassius from behind. Unfortunately from the angle of the sun, his presence cast a shadow on us, just enough for Cassius to drag me into the shadow realm with him. "Fuck!" the demon brothers snarled simultaneously. "The portal to Orrudran, you think it's still open?" Zeldris asked his elder brother, he was much closer than earlier to releasing all his magic in a fit of rage. Meliodas took a deep breath, conscious of his mental state, "Considering our realm is unsealed, I don't see why Orrudran would be unless the portal wall was sealed or destroyed."

--The Shadow Realm--
"How did you get the Eita Medallion, Cassius?" I asked slyly, he held it in his hand like it was his to begin with and I'd stolen it. His expression was smug, "I bribed your dark haired beast into letting me take it. It was easy, they really are so easy to manipulate. I guess it makes sense, they are below our race after all." I rolled my dark eyes, "What do you want? You can't assimilate with it." The smugness transformed to something more malicious, his purple eyes twinkled, "I'm aware of that, sweet sister. You are going to." I crossed my arms defiantly, "How do you intend to make me do that? You'd have to get me to chant the words and that won't be happening." Cassius' eyes darkened, "That's where you're wrong, Persephone. I don't have to force you to chant the words because I can do it for you. Now sleep, dear sister, and awaken as the true Queen you are."

I furrowed my brows as I fought to keep my eyelids open, "What the fuck did you do to me?" I slurred out as I clutched my chest, breathing was slightly difficult. Before I passed out, Cassius' face was above mine with the most malevolent look I'd seen on his face yet, "I nicked you with a nice little paralytic poison. Don't worry, once you assimilate with the medallion you'll heal just fine." I scowled at him and with the last of my energy I cursed him, "You...bastard!"

--Camelot, Zeldris' POV--
It had only been a few minutes since Cassius disappeared with Sephi but considering he could take her anywhere with their damned shadow walking ability, we had no idea when or where they'd resurface. Meliodas and I formulated a plan quickly, I'd go to Orrudran to investigate while he stayed in Camelot. Just as I was about to head to the closest portal to the demon realm, a shockwave of power erupted down below, sending a shiver up both mine and my brother's spine. Our eyes locked onto to the other's, we knew what happened. Persephone attuned with the medallion, whether she wanted to or not.

--The Shadow Realm--
"Orketh thegrin mag'tharoth gollmoron," Cassius chanted as he held the medallion over my unconscious body, it started to glow, encouraging him to chant faster. "Xegmos jarkoroz salguth vaggoxed, og'thozuth irgrik!" the medallion descended into my body, I took a deep inhale as my veins started to deepen to an eerie black under my skin. Cassius chanted the rest of the incantation with even more enthusiasm as he watched my body start to change, "Daz'gemen vagal selmodun torras drottning!" As the last word left his mouth, my horns and fangs grew and shadows danced over my skin before becoming permanent tattoos. I opened my now glowing eyes and glared at Cassius, the stupid satisfied grin on his face angered me greatly. He was soon to realize his little stunt removed the last shred of emotions still lingering in my mind as I lifted my hand and latched onto his throat, yanking him back to Camelot.

I threw Cassius to the ground and stepped on his chest hard, he let out a pained gasp as I had knocked the wind out of him. "Dear brother, are you expecting a thanks from me?" I pushed down harder, he groaned in response, "I suppose you have my thanks for something, though." I used shadows to wrap around his wrists and legs and held him tightly to the ground then spread my wings and floated up before raising my hands to my waist, palms up. "Silphon," I muttered under my breath, screams of agony started to ring through the air like a beautiful melody as I stripped the pathetic humans of their energy. I left the energy of the Holy Knights, they could be useful, but the citizens were fair game. Before the Holy Knights had a chance of attack, I started another spell, "Shadow Corruption." Around each Holy Knight within my vicinity, shadows wrapped their bodies and penetrated through their ears, nose, and eyes, creating my own version of mindless puppets.

I finished siphoning the energy of the citizens then landed just in time for my lovers to land across from me, Cassius still pinned to the ground in between us. Zeldris' eyes were full of ferocious agony as he stared at me, Meliodas' had nothing behind them. "Sephi...did you...?" Zeldris finally asked the question they both knew the answer to. My puppets formed a nice little platoon behind me as I stared at my lovers but used a spell on Cassius, "Gift of the Nether." It was equivalent to the goddess clan's Cheat Hope. He grinned as he realized what I'd done and took his place between me with the puppet platoon. Meliodas stared at the ground, I felt his energy spinning out of control, his unstable mind no longer able to contain the wrath he still felt. Darkness swallowed him in the form of a tornado, quickly it dissipated to show he'd abandoned whatever stability he had to return to his former glory: Assault Mode. Zeldris watched sadly as Meliodas stomped over to me and grabbed my throat tightly, "You ought to stop looking at me like you're the one who's in charge, succubus. I'll have to remind you why I'm the most vile."

I flashed my fangs in a shit eating grin to spite the blonde demon before choking out, "Promise, incubus?"

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Where stories live. Discover now