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The Demon King commanded his sons to return to Britannia, which I learned was my favorite realm, to chase down some powerful goddess clan members. I followed the brothers back to their bedrooms so they could gather their supplies. "What should I do while you're gone?" I asked cheerfully. Their eyes looked sparkly as they turned to me, it made me grin, they looked so happy! "You're coming with me," they replied in unison, quickly glaring at their brother when they realized what the other had said. "She's coming with me!" they growled at each other simultaneously, I couldn't help but giggle. What was this emotion they were feeling? "How about I go with both of you? I mean, the Demon King told you both to go to Britannia, right?" I grinned at each of them, they huffed and scowled at their brother. Meliodas was faster and grabbed my hand to pull me in his room, "We'll meet you at the portal, Zeldris," he spat out then slammed his door shut behind us before Zeldris had time to protest.

"Meliod-" I started to ask if he was okay when he turned around and kissed me roughly, his hands quickly worked to get me naked as well as himself. "I'm not letting him have you," he growled then grinned at me mischievously, "Be a good little succubus and suck Daddy's cock, okay?" I dropped to my knees and eagerly grabbed his dick in my hand then licked slowly from his balls to his head and finally sucked him into my mouth. I deliberately sucked his cock slowly, using my tongue to rub all around the underside and around his head. "Like that, Daddy?" I asked seductively, a string of saliva connected my lips to the tip of his dick. He inhaled sharply, "Yeah, just like that," he breathed out after I resumed, his hand in my hair in case he needed to control the pace. I sucked his cock for awhile, the room was filled with his quiet moans and groans and slurping, until he finally pulled himself out of my mouth and threw me on the bed. Before I could flip over, Meliodas grabbed hold of my hips and thrusted into me, "Your pussy always sucks me in so tightly," he hissed.

He started pounding into me, my face was shoved against the mattress as I couldn't stay up on my arms from the force of which he was fucking me. "I guess I'll be a nice big brother and won't make Zel wait much longer," he panted out as he reached around to rub my clit. I moaned even louder before I finally came explosively, I was weak from being fucked by Zeldris that morning, squirting all over him and his bed. He couldn't take it after that and filled me to the brim with his cum, it leaked out of my pussy onto the bed sheets. I giggled after he finally let me up, he kissed me hungrily one last time then we got cleaned up and headed towards the portal for Britannia.

"Finally. Did you have to take so long?" Zeldris growled as he glared at Meliodas, who rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Zeldris, what does love feel like?" I asked bluntly, both brothers' faces turned bright red and Zeldris' mouth was wide open. "W-w-what m-made you ask t-that?!" the black haired brother stuttered out, making me giggle. "Meliodas told me when people have feelings of love for one another, it makes sex special! I feel things about both of you but I don't know what it means, my clan never talked about emotions really. Not love, at least," I answered just as bluntly, Meliodas and Zeldris exchanged looks of surprise and something else. I didn't know what jealousy was, but that's what they were feeling. I giggled and grabbed one of each of their hands in my own, "Let's get going! I wanna see more of Britannia and you can tell me all about what love feels like!"

I immediately let go of their hands when we crossed over and flew up high above the trees, "Sephi!" I heard Zeldris shout before both brothers appeared next to me. I grinned at his nickname for me, "A nickname?! I like it!" He blushed tremendously, it was what he'd been calling me in his head since he'd met me the first time and didn't intend to let it slip so freely but I'd scared him. Goddesses roamed Britannia and he didn't know how I measured up to them given someone Meliodas defeated so easily had destroyed my entire clan and home. "Please don't take off like that again, Sephi. Britannia can be dangerous, there are tons of goddesses here," Zeldris lamented, his face one of exasperation. I giggled and flew over to him to quickly pull him into a tight hug, "Thank you for caring about me so much," I whispered. I felt Meliodas' anger skyrocket, was hugging bad too? I let go of Zeldris and repeated with the blonde, I could then feel Zeldris' anger rise exponentially too. So it wasn't just Meliodas, Zeldris didn't like me showing any affection for his brother either. I frowned, I didn't want to upset them so much. "We should track them down now. Let's go on foot," Meliodas ordered, Zeldris and I followed him to the ground to head out.

"How many different clans are here? Are they all enemies of your clan? Will they hate me? Can they speak our language?" I whisper rambled, Zeldris stifled a giggle at all my questions, my carefree bubbly nature was hard to resist. "Britannia is mostly inhabited by humans, but there are also fairies and giants. The celestial realm is where most goddesses live and the demon realm is where the vampires and demons live. There's a truce for now but the goddesses still prey on weaker demons when they visit Britannia. They all can speak a common language. But I'm not sure how they'll react to you, Sephi. You should stick with Meliodas and I until then," Zeldris whispered back. I was content for now with those answers as I continued following the brothers. We came to an overlook of a valley, I saw white winged beings: goddesses! They felt powerful but that meant nothing to me as I'd have to see them fight first. I was still curious how they'd react to me though, I watched the female head off alone so I decided to shadow walk to her.

"Hi!" I exclaimed from behind, she jumped in surprise and gathered light magic in her hand quickly. I shrunk back a little in fear, I hadn't done anything wrong in this world, why would she attack me? "Who are you? What do you want?" she asked harshly, her eyes were a bright orange with a funny symbol and her hair long and silvery light green. "I'm Persephone, I saw you from afar and wanted to meet you. Who are you?" I asked with a grin, a short giggle escaped my lips as she furrowed her brows in confusion. "Elizabeth. What clan are you from? You feel...dark..." her voice and face were covered in suspicion, so Meliodas and Zeldris were correct in being worried about me. She already hated me for no reason, which wasn't fair. I scowled at her and crossed my arms, "My clan doesn't exist anymore but why are you looking at me like that? I haven't done anything to you!" Her eyes continued to glare into mine, she was analyzing my every move. Fine then, if she was going to be that way, I might as well make use of her. I activated my magic and walked up to her slowly, "Can we be friends, Elizabeth? I really like you already!"

She was definitely powerful, she was resisting me fairly well but it wasn't enough as I reached out and grabbed her hand to pull her towards me. The skin to skin contact strengthened the charm from my magic but intimacy was even better. I put one of my hands on the small of her back, the other caressed her cheek as she fought me for control. Her eyes started to change from orange to red, just slightly, as I pulled her face towards me. "Will you be my friend, Elizabeth?" I whispered, her lips were a mere inch away from mine, "...yes..." I grinned and kissed her, I slipped my tongue in her mouth and inhaled sharply when she moaned quietly. She was powerful, a high ranked goddess indeed, the energy I was getting from her was intense. I moved my mouth to her neck and kissed and licked up to her ear, "That's a good girl, do you wanna play some more?" She nodded and pushed me down to the ground to climb over me, her chest squished against mine was making me want to rip her clothes off immediately. She was starting to kiss down to my chest when I flipped her over and straddled her hips, "I wanna take care of you first, sweetheart," I giggled when she moaned as I lightly pinched her nipples. Just as I was about to pull her shirt up to admire her chest, I was hit with light magic, it'd pierced through my side and knocked me off her, thus breaking the charm.

I coughed hard as I staggered to my feet, it was a large male white haired goddess that had hit me, he was pissed. "Oh boy, you're pretty mad. Did you wanna join?" I grinned maliciously, he was out to kill. "I thought all of you had died out," he growled, Elizabeth looked at him in shock. "Mael, you don't mean..." she murmured as she glared at me. Mael nodded, "Yes, she's a succubus. You might feel weaker than before, she seduced you. I stopped her before she could get any further," if looks could kill, I'd be dead already. I pouted at them, "I wasn't going to kill her, we were just playing! Meliodas and Zeldris were right, goddesses are evil!" Their faces were plastered with shock but I slipped into a shadow and walked back to where I felt the demon Princes. "Seph, where did you go?!" Meliodas growled but it was more worry than anger, even more so when he noticed my wound. "What happened?!" he and Zeldris exclaimed simultaneously. I waved them off, "I was playing with some goddess named Elizabeth when another named Mael attacked me. He didn't wanna play too so I left," I crossed my arms in annoyance as I thought about it.

"What do you mean by playing?!" Zeldris asked through gritted teeth, so I couldn't play with others either? It wasn't just Meliodas that he didn't like? What did monogamous mean anyway when Meliodas mentioned it? "She was powerful, I wanted to see if I could charm her. It would've worked had that Mael not shown up," I pouted as I used my shadow magic to cover my wound, it started to heal little by little. Meliodas scoffed, he was also mad at me but neither could fault me as it was clear I had no idea why they were upset. "Elizabeth is the Supreme Deity's daughter and Mael one of the Archangels. Please for the love of all that's unholy, do not leave mine or Zel's side again," Meliodas essentially begged, I frowned but ultimately nodded. "Fine, I won't. Can we go to a human village?!" I asked excitedly, having already gotten over being scolded.

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora