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I woke up to water splashing on my face, it was cold and bothersome. What happened? The last thing I remembered was rescuing Elizabeth after she'd saved Monspeet and Derieri from their Indura forms. I laid still for awhile, I was exhausted but I smelled blood and my eyes shot open. I sat up slowly and rubbed them then my stomach sank, Elizabeth was covered in bruises and blood. It was horrific and I was starting to panic as I didn't see Meliodas but I turned my face to the left to see he was laying just next to me. His clothes were tattered but otherwise he looked fine, I shakily reached my hand out to touch him. I breathed a sigh of relief as his skin was warm, I leaned over and listened over his mouth, he was breathing too. I crawled over to Elizabeth's body and picked her up, I wiped the mud off her face and stroked her pretty hair. Tears trickled down my cheeks and splashed on her fair skin, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this," I whispered before kissing her forehead. I let out a sob from how cold she was, she'd been gone awhile but I couldn't understand why Meliodas and I looked completely fine despite our clothing being in shambles. Eventually I picked my lover up onto my back and used my magic to tie him around me so he wouldn't fall, then I cradled Elizabeth's body in my arms to find somewhere to bury her.

There was a beautiful large tree all alone on the top of a cliff, it was the perfect place. I kissed her cold lips softly before putting her in her final resting place. I didn't love her like I did Meliodas and Zeldris, though I did find her attractive, but it was a custom of my people and I didn't want to let that go. We believed love passed on to those that left us before being buried brought peace to their souls so they could pass on without regret. After covering her body, I stood and looked at the horizon, the sun was setting. I'd noticed no one else was around and there was no sign of war, something must have happened to us. It had to have been years since we were last awake. Not only that, but Zeldris was gone and I later learned the demon clan itself was sealed as I couldn't cross into that realm. I found somewhere for Meliodas and I to rest as he hadn't woken yet. I settled for a small cave with a river nearby, I took Meliodas off my back and laid him down. I noticed he was shivering a little so I took what tattered clothes I had and laid them over him with his head on my lap and stroked his hair. I was worried he wasn't going to wake up and I'd be alone again but I didn't want to give up hope, not yet.

-Meliodas' POV-
I squeezed my eyes tighter together, there was a dull ache in my head and I felt groggy. Only when I realized I was laying on cold, hard ground did I open them. What I saw made me smile softly, Persephone had fallen asleep with one of her hands in my hair, she was letting me use her lap as a pillow and sitting up instead. I noticed she was naked and shivering a little, I frowned when I saw she'd covered me up the best she could with what little remnants she had left of clothes. I wasn't sure what had happened or where we were but the first thing I did was get up and start a fire with my hellblaze. I then redressed her, it wasn't a lot but it was enough to cover the important parts. I switched places with her, gently pulling her down to lay her head on my lap, and admired her beautiful face as I stroked her light blue hair. I couldn't feel any goddesses or demons in the area, nor did I hear any fighting. Persephone eventually started to stir, slowly at first, until she noticed I had woken up. She grabbed me into a tight hug and started sobbing into my neck, I hugged her back and did my best to console her. Once she settled down, I kissed her softly, "What happened, Seph?" I whispered. Silent tears still trickled down her cheeks, "Elizabeth is dead, Mel. I woke up and we were fine but she...I laid her to rest and brought us here for shelter. I think the war was over many years ago and-" her words were cut off by a sob.

I cupped her face in my hands and wiped her tears away with my thumbs, "And what, love?" "Zeldris...he's been sealed with the rest of the demon clan," she choked out and started sobbing again. I immediately pulled her back into an even tighter hug, despite not being a fan of sharing Persephone with my brother, I knew she loved him as well and it hurt me to see her so upset. "I'm so sorry, Seph," I mumbled into her hair, my hearts were aching at the sheer amount of pain my lover was in, "I know I can't fill the hole he's left in your hearts but I'll always be here for you." She nodded against me, we stayed like that until she finally fell asleep in my arms.

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin