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I woke up snuggled against Zeldris, my face was buried in his neck with his arms around me. I didn't sense Meliodas in the bed, but he was always an early riser so I assumed he was downstairs. That or he was giving Zeldris and I time alone. I decided to stay put anyway and enjoy my one on one time with the younger brother. He was still asleep, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest against me was relaxing, my hearts were so full that he was here with me again. 3000 years worth of sorrow with him being sealed, moments like this were starting to make up for it already. I wasn't sure how long I stayed that way before he woke up and stroked my hair, I couldn't hide I was awake after that. I crawled on top of him and squeezed him in a hug before kissing him sweetly. We made out for a while, it was slow and sensual until eventually we were interrupted by his older brother kicking the door open. "Seph, Zel, we're heading to Camelot, there's trouble. I could use your help!" he exclaimed. I immediately jumped up to get dressed followed by Zeldris then we ran downstairs.

Hawk's Mom was flying around Camelot, an Albion was attacking! The three of us didn't say a word as we spread our wings and jumped out of the Boar Hat towards it, the Sins and others inside knew we were demons, who cared if everyone else found out. "Zel!" Meliodas shouted, the younger brother nodded, "On it!" My dark haired lover flew to the feet of the Albion and used his Ominous Binds to keep it in place. My blonde lover and I dashed at the terror and saved the young King Arthur, Meliodas' sword broke after cutting its arm off. I furrowed my brows as it started to form five arms to make several canons. Merlin suddenly tossed him an interesting looking sword to which he created five of himself and used his signature move Full Counter. I grinned mischievously as I immediately conjured up all the ways he could fuck me with clones. I further wondered if Zeldris could make clones using that sword, I'd have to get him to try. Zeldris was the more insatiable of my two lovers in that back before he was sealed the weeks I was with him sometimes he'd fuck me multiple times a day if we didn't have work. Perhaps the clones would be an even greater experience for him as well as myself.

"It's good to see you again, Lady Persephone," Arthur greeted sheepishly, his cheeks pink at my unintended charm. Before I could respond, I was being groped all over by Meliodas and his clones, Zeldris scoffed at his brother's ridiculous behavior. "You say she'll be the death of you but you tempt her just as much, brother," I giggled at Zel's lighthearted teasing. Just as Meliodas dissipated his clones, we felt a familiar presence show up. As the dust settled, the three of us readied ourselves. With Zeldris and I, Galand wouldn't be a problem. "The first taste of pussy after we're unsealed and you're already whipped into betraying our clan," Galand mocked the younger brother, "Succubi really are a problem. I'm beginning to think it was a good idea to wipe out your clan." I was instantly seething, I heard the brothers call my name but I'd already moved. I grabbed Galand and pull him into the shadows below, only I don't walk anywhere, instead keeping us suspended in the darkness.

Darkness that was nothing like he'd ever experienced. The night is dark, but it's never true darkness. The shadow realm is all consuming, time passes but it's never apparent how much. A complete absence of light, the only guidance being a feeling only shadow walkers can use. Meaning Galand was completely at my mercy in said realm. I contemplated my plan of attack when he was suddenly kicked out of the realm by someone else: Cassius. "I've finally found you, little sister. Your power is truly unmatched being able to awaken without aid," his grin was sickening. "What do you want, Cassius?" I spat out, he was partly responsible for my 16 year coma. "Are you ready to come home with me to rebuild? Those lesser beasts don't deserve someone like you," he slowly moved closer to me as he spoke.

I maintained my ground, I wasn't afraid of him. "There isn't anything to rebuild, Cass. If anything we need Meliodas and Zeldris to help start to repopulate...our children would only be half but that's okay, we-" I was stalling, thinking of ways to end this peacefully before he interrupted me. "Why dilute our bloodlines when we have an actual incubus to help? Not to mention we can convert humans with magic. It's simple really," he replied sinisterly, it dawned on me then who he meant. Cassius wasn't my actual brother, was he? I always assumed he was my half-brother, that we shared the same mother. I shook my head and feigned ignorance, "There aren't any incubi left of a separate bloodline. I'm not interested in fucking my brother."

He moved so quickly I didn't seem him, I must have still been feeling the effects of my coma. "But I'm not your actual brother. There isn't a drop of blood shared between us. Though our clan is gone but us, you know there's nothing more pleasurable than fucking a real incubus. I know you hadn't before, but you got the same eduction I did of our clan," he explained carefully, he'd inched closer to me and finally put his hands on my hips to pull me closer. My stomach jumped at the feeling of his hard cock against me, I could feel him start to move his face towards mine as he pushed himself tighter to me when I drew my arm back and sucker punched him right in the mouth. I immediately felt for my lovers and rushed out of one of their shadows back into Britannia, tackling Zeldris in the process. "Sephi! What happened?! Are you okay?!" his green eyes were distraught but started looking relieved with every passing second. I ignored his questions and looked around as I straddled his hips, "Where are we?"

There were two strange towers in whatever strange grove he was in. But he wasn't alone, I felt my blonde lover to the right and several others were in the tower on the left and some outside. Two people eyed me carefully, they felt similar to goddesses. "A druid grove where Melidoas' power is being kept. He's-" I jumped off my dark haired lover to sprint to my blonde one, I didn't trust that Cassius wasn't just waiting on me to enter the shadow realm again. Meliodas was screaming, Elizabeth and some woman that also felt like a goddess were watching him, the latter of which started to protest me heading towards my lover. "Endless slumber," I growled at them, they dropped instantly as I touched Meliodas' forehead.

I invaded whatever dream state Meliodas was in, it was Danafor, the night that I fell into a coma. I found my lover quickly, he was clutching my seemingly lifeless body as he growled with rage, his darkness started climbing down his face. Before he was able to release all the magic that ultimately destroyed Danafor, I appeared in front of him and cupped his face in my hands. "Mel! Look at me, deep breaths. I'm here, I'm okay," I whispered, the darkness on his face started receding, he was conscious that this wasn't actually real life as he started crying and smiled at me. He dropped the illusion of me, which disappeared into nothingness, and yanked me into a tight hug. I stroked his hair and squeezed him back as he sobbed into my light blue hair. Once he quieted down, he kissed me passionately. "I've had to relive this situation probably a thousand times. I can tell you're outside, you joined my trial. Seph, I was so worried. You disappeared with Galand and never came back and-" he let out another sob, I kissed his lips sweetly. "I'm okay, Meliodas. I'm not going anywhere," I whispered soothingly, he continued crying for awhile as I held him.

My eyes opened to see the blue green eyes I fell for when we were kids, "Welcome back, Mel." He smiled softly at me and hugged my body against his, it felt so right to be in his arms again. I shuddered at the thought of Cassius trying to hold me in the same way. "What's wrong?" he asked after he felt my body shiver. I frowned, "Let's go get Zeldris, we need to talk about what happened in the shadow realm."

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Where stories live. Discover now