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I coughed hard before opening my eyes, a rocky ceiling stared back at me. I was confused, the last thing I remembered was Liz dying in my arms. I sat up and rubbed my temples before I froze. Meliodas. I focused on my lover, pinpointed his location, then dove into the shadows to find him.

—Meliodas' POV—
Hendrickson, or the demon hybrid he'd turned into, released a large black orb of deadly magic. I was exhausted already, could I Full Counter it without hurting the people behind him? I was suddenly tackled to the ground by someone, we narrowly dodged the attack. My hearts skipped a beat and it felt like time froze as my blue green eyes met the pomegranate colored ones I fell so deeply in love with. I was frozen in place, shocked she was in front of me and afraid it was a dream, when she grinned and her lips met mine.

—My POV—
I slipped my tongue in Meliodas' mouth and kissed him passionately. I could tell it'd been awhile since I saw him last from his reaction. It didn't last long though as the enemy that tried to attack him threw another at us, "Who the hell are-" he started to growl then stopped in his tracks as I unleashed my true succubus form. I didn't do it often but I was pissed, this demon hybrid was out for blood. Tall spiraled horns grew from the top of my head, fangs appeared in my mouth, shadow magic appeared on my forehead and stretched down through my eyes towards my cheeks. More shadow magic enveloped my body in what resembled Meliodas' Assault Mode, only it was like a one piece body suit that barely covered anything but my pussy, ass, and tits. The sclera of my eyes were now black, my pomegranate colored eyes a bright red, and my ears grew slightly longer. "Wait...I know who you are. You're-" he started to stutter out, but I didn't give him time to answer. I was in front of him immediately and grabbed his throat then activated my charm magic. He fought me more than I expected, stabbing me through the stomach even but I didn't flinch, only coughing up my blood on his face.

I tightened my grip on his throat, "Do you value your life, you piece of trash?" I hissed. He slowly nodded, his eyes had finally turned red. "Then get out of my sight," I growled then upper cut him in the stomach to launch him in the air. I held my hand out towards him and gathered shadow magic in my palm, "Black Abyss." A large black beam of magic shot out towards the demon hybrid and launched him far away from us, whether he died or not I wasn't sure nor did I care as long as my lover was safe. Once I was finished I turned my head to look at my lover and grinned as my form changed back to normal before collapsing. Since I refused to assimilate with the Eita medallion, it took a great toll on me to use so much of my magic. "Seph!" I heard Meliodas shout as he stumbled over to me, he knelt down and pulled me into his arms and kissed me like it'd be the last kiss we'd ever share. We were lost in one another, no one else existed, until we were finally broke out of our little world by someone clearing their throat. "Captain," I heard a familiar voice, it was Merlin. Though the rest of the people around were strangers, I wasn't even sure where I was. Meliodas picked me up bridal style in his arms, shakily as he was exhausted himself, then looked at Merlin, "Hey, Merlin! I see Bartra's better now."

She nodded, "I finally got to try out a remedy from the demon realm I'd been wanting to," her eyes met my tired ones. "Hi Merli!" I exclaimed sleepily, several people nearby looked at us with confused faces. "I'm glad to see you've finally awoken, Persephone. I knew you would eventually, I just wasn't sure when," Merlin replied before looking back up to my lover, "We should take Persephone to my lab so I can look over her now that she's awake." I crossed my arms and pouted, "I'm right here ya know! I'm not a pet to be taken care of." Meliodas giggled and squeezed me tighter against his warm body, I grinned at him in response. "Do you two wanna explain who the heck this chick is?!" a pig shouted, a few others nodded in agreement: a giant girl, someone who looked an awful lot like Gowther, a boy on a floating pillow, and a tall, thin man who was glaring at me. Merlin smirked, "Let's head to the castle and get everyone healed up. The Captain can introduce you to Persephone."

After Elizabeth healed us and Meliodas forced me to stay in bed, his friends gathered round with him at my side in a chair. "How much do they know, Mel?" I asked in my head to prepare myself. He sighed, "Nothing. Merlin is the only one that knows our past or that we're demons. Ban only knew about you because he followed me one day to visit you..." I tilted my head in curiosity, "You'll have to explain everything to me later." Meliodas nodded before looking at his friends, "Everyone, I'd like you to meet the love of
my life, Persephone. Seph, these are most of the Seven Deadly Sins. You know Merlin, she's the Boar Sin of Gluttony. There's King, the Grizzly Sin of Sloth. Gowther, the Goat Sin of Lust. Diane, Serpent Sin of Envy. Ban, the Fox Sin of Greed. I'm the Dragon Sin of Wrath, and we haven't found the last of us, Escanor. Then there's Princess Elizabeth and the pig bastard is Hawk." I grinned at them sleepily, "I hope we can be friends!" Diane frowned and King and Ban looked suspicious of me. "Where have you been, Persephone? If you and the Captain are in love, why wouldn't you be with him? Why is this the first we're hearing of you? And what's with your magic?" King fired off question after question, I could feel Meliodas getting irritated with each one.

I grabbed his hand to pacify him then activated my charm magic and grinned at King, his eyes briefly turned red, "It's a long story but I'm pretty tired, can you give Meliodas and I some alone time?" King's demeanor immediately changed as he smiled softly, "Of course! Rest well." Ban and Diane looked at King with shock, then Ban glared at me as it was clear to him I'd done something. He just wasn't sure exactly what. The rest of the group left us alone as well, Meliodas joined me in bed and hugged me tightly against him. I felt his tears wetting my hair, I pulled away and caressed his cheek as I tried to wipe his tears away, "Meliodas, will you tell me what happened?" He sniffled and kissed me deeply, "You've been asleep for 16 years, Seph. Fraudrin killed Liz and you started releasing a ton of magic because you were so upset. Then you collapsed and your brother..." I furrowed my brows, "What did Cassius do?" He gritted his teeth, "He said your body was shutting down but that he also used his magic to keep you asleep. He said you would never wake up, not until he let you. Then he disappeared, I wouldn't let him take you from me. I sealed you away and hid you in a cavern to keep you safe from him. I've visited you as much as I could these last 16 years, willing you to wake up. But, I destroyed Danafor. I couldn't handle it with Liz dying and I was terrified I was going to lose you. It's nothing more than a giant pit now."

Tears stung my eyes at the amount of pain I could see he was clearly in, I hugged him tightly then giggled mischievously as I slid my hand down his pants. He inhaled sharply and thrusted into my hand slowly as he moved my hair out of the way to suck and nibble on my neck. He hadn't gotten laid in 16 years, he wasn't in the mood to take it slow. Meliodas yanked his shirt off and then mine, quickly moving to suck on my nipples. I moaned in delight, his tongue drove me wild every time. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him tighter against me, moaning louder in anticipation as I felt how hard his dick was. He snickered, "Still so desperate for my cock, you needy little succubus," he whispered gruffly in my ear. He kicked his pants off then yanked my shorts down, I tangled my fingers in his hair as he devoured my pussy. "Fuck, I missed the taste of you so much," he growled in excitement then continued with his meal. I moaned shamelessly from the pleasure, he was a master at getting me off and didn't care at the moment how loud I was being. After I came on his face, he continued sucking my clit until I twitched from the overstimulation then his tongue was in my mouth in an instant as he shoved his cock inside me.

"Your pussy was made for me," he groaned out as he fucked me hard before shoving his tongue in my mouth again to take pleasure in my moans vibrating in his mouth. He wrapped one of his arms around my upper body, his hand rested at the back of my neck as the other held my waist to fuck me even harder. I wrapped my legs around his own waist to feel him even deeper, I could never get enough of him or his cock. His body twitched for a moment then I felt his hot cum inside me, he groaned from the relief of releasing 16 years of pent up sexual tension. We stayed that way for a while, making out and cuddling. I knew I woke up because my body finally recovered from the overuse of my magic, but it wasn't the only reason. I could feel he was in an immense amount of danger and needed me. Not only that, I sensed something even more sinister was coming and Meliodas alone wasn't going to be able to stop it. In a few short weeks, that sinister arrival would be bittersweet.

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