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"Come on, I'll show you!" the baby blue haired girl exclaimed as she grabbed my hand tightly in hers to pull me along.

I woke up feeling exhausted, what was that dream about? I didn't know who that girl was but she was beautiful, she didn't look much younger than myself either. Where was she going to take me? And why did I feel so exhausted despite sleeping all night? I sat up and rubbed my eyes groggily, this was unusual, I normally had no issue waking up.

"Prince Meliodas, Chandler is waiting for you in the main hall to go to Britannia. Please get your things ready and join him. You'll want to get back from your trip before your sibling is born, right?" I heard one of the maid's voices call through the door after she'd knocked. I grinned, I was excited to have a baby brother or sister, "I'll be right out!"

I hurriedly threw on clothes, grabbed my gear, and ran through the castle to find Chandler. I grabbed his hand and pulled, "Come on, Chandler! We have to get back before my brother or sister is born!" He chuckled and patted my head, "We'll be back in plenty of time Young Master. You can relax and focus on Britannia. You didn't forget, this is your first time going, right?" I shook my head, "No! I'm just way more excited to have a brother or sister!" Chandler chuckled again, "Alright, let's go my Young Prince. Britannia awaits."

I was about to be 126 years of age, roughly 10 in terms of human years, and Mama was due any day. I was hoping for a little brother that I could train to fight one day and go dragon hunting with like Papa did with me now.

Chandler led me to the strange wall of holes he'd shown me when I was much younger. I'd never been permitted to leave the realm before but since it was almost my 126th birthday, Papa was okay with it as long as Chandler protected me with his life. Not that that would be an issue, he hovered over me like a predator watching its prey. I didn't mind so much, Papa was busy ruling the realm and Mama had been sick a lot with her pregnancy and bedridden so I didn't see her often either.

My initial adrenaline rush had worn off by then and I was exhausted again, I couldn't stop yawning and I was dragging my feet. "My Prince, are you feeling alright?" Chandler asked, putting his hand on my forehead to check for a fever. I swatted his hand away, "I'm fine! I just had a weird dream and didn't sleep well," I grumbled and was about to continue when I saw a glimpse of baby blue in one of the holes of the portal wall.

Adrenaline hit me again as I spread my wings and darted off towards the hole, Chandler caught up to me quickly and grabbed my wrist before I could enter the portal. "Prince Meliodas! You can't just take off to a random realm, you're the heir to the throne. Your life would be in danger and the Demon King would have my head if something happened to you. Why did you take off so suddenly?" Chandler scolded, I couldn't yank my wrist away from him despite great effort.

I huffed and stopped trying, "I thought I saw someone watching us from here..." I grumbled as I stared at the ground. Chandler furrowed his brows as he stared at the hole I was talking about, "Never go through that portal, Young Master. Aside from the goddess clan, the clan that lives there could easily kill you as I haven't taught you how to block their magic yet." I looked up at him with wide curious eyes, "What clan lives there, Chandler?" He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly out of his nose, "The succubi and incubi. They suck the life out of their victims, whether through dreams or in person, by seducing them. They're extremely beautiful and charming, one often doesn't realize what's happening until it's too late." I looked back at the hole in the wall, could that girl in my dream have been who I saw watching us?

Chandler and I spent a week in Britannia, it was amazing! It was unlike anything in the demon realm, there were so many bright colors and they had a sun! I'd never seen something so pretty and I wanted to keep going back.

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Where stories live. Discover now