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I sniffed the air, there were so many fragrances around that it felt as if my nose was being assaulted. Flowers, soil, burning wood. My eyes sprung open as I realized I wasn't dead, I tried to sit up but I groaned from the severe pain I was in. "SEPH!" Meliodas shouted from nearby, his face was over mine in an instant. His eyes were bloodshot, he had dark circles under them, and his nose was red. "Mel-" I tried to speak but immediately started coughing from how hoarse I was. He helped me sit up and drink some water, once he put the cup down he hugged me in the tightest hug I'd ever received and sobbed into my light blue hair. I was so confused but couldn't help to start crying from his own sobbing. He seemed to be in so much pain. "Meliodas, what happened?" I whispered into his neck. Once he calmed down he cupped my face with his hands and kissed me passionately, "You've been unconscious for weeks. I tried to stop them, Seph, but they wouldn't listen. There's a war ongoing between the demon clan and the rest of the clans." I started sobbing into my hands, I felt powerless. Meliodas held me in his arms and stroked my hair until I finally calmed down.

I sniffled and looked around confused, "Where's Zeldris?" The blonde grimaced, "I decided to betray the demon clan to try to help stop the war from this side. Elizabeth is also on board for stopping the bloodshed. Mael and Zeldris though...they couldn't let go of their ideals. I took you with me, Zeldris went home..." I shook my head, "No! No, he can't! I just need to talk to him some more and-" Meliodas interrupted me with a soft kiss on my lips, "Please don't leave, Seph. I'm afraid you'll be kept hostage by my father. You're so powerful, he'll use you and I can't handle that. I know you love Zeldris too, but please...please don't go back." I stared into his blue-green eyes, I didn't want to agree to his request but I knew he was right. Their father was a tyrant and would use me for his personal gain. "I'm kidnapping Zeldris as soon as I feel him here then," I grumbled sadly. Meliodas giggled a little and kissed my forehead, "I'm so happy you're okay now," he whispered before laying down with me in his arms.

I rested and recovered the next few days, Meliodas wouldn't leave my side. He wanted to watch over me because he loved me but he also wanted to make sure I didn't try to go home to get Zeldris. When I was finally feeling more of myself, Meliodas took me to meet with Elizabeth. I'd learned we were in the Fairy King's forest, mostly hidden away from the other clans. A few fairies would bring us food and water at the behest of Elizabeth but none of the others knew of our exact whereabouts. "Persephone, I see you're finally awake," her voice was soft and sort of breathy, I was wary though. She tried to hurt Meliodas and Zeldris and she was an accomplice of torturing me. "I am. Meliodas said you wanted to speak with me," I replied cautiously, I didn't trust her at all. She nodded, "After seeing what happened to your homeland and hearing what happened to your people, you changed my mind and how I feel about this war. I want to help stop the bloodshed." I sighed and looked at my blonde lover then back to her, "Okay. Let's try our best."

We left her to head back to where we'd been staying then I tackled Meliodas and kissed him hungrily. It'd been awhile with all the stress, he smirked against my lips and pulled my hips down to grind himself on me. I moaned needily, we giggled together as he rolled over to pin me to the ground. I ripped his shirt up over his head, he copied with my shirt and quickly moved to suck on my nipples, earning more desperate moans from me. Without removing his mouth from my nipple, he pulled my shorts off and kicked his own off. I was panting in anticipation, I needed him badly. My hands were all over his muscular back and arms as he shoved his tongue in my mouth and pulled my legs around his waist as he pushed his cock inside me. "Fuck! Meliodas, your cock feels so good," I gasped out as he fucked me hard, he snickered at my shamelessness.

We were in the middle of a forest, anyone could walk by and see us. After a bunch of kissing, sucking, and nibbling of my neck, Meliodas leaned up to rest on his knees. He started rubbing my clit as he fucked me faster, he was close to cumming and wanted me to cum as well. His eyes went from blue green to black as he grinned mischievously, "Come on, cum for your incubus. Be a good girl now." His actions were more aggressive when he used his demonic power, whether he meant to or not, and it got me even more worked up. My orgasm was as unrelenting as Meliodas was as I arched my back and screamed in pleasure, I felt him cream my pussy just after. He leaned down and kissed me sweetly, thrusting slowly a few more times for good measure and to prolong the feeling. "I love everything about you, Persephone. I'll be yours until the end of time," he whispered, then smiled softly at me. I mimicked his smile then kissed him again after whispering back, "I love you too, Meliodas. You've been in my hearts since I first met you in your dreams."

A couple weeks later we were working with Elizabeth to convince others to lay down their arms, it was hit or miss but we were confident. I suddenly felt Zeldris' presence in Britannia and before Meliodas could stop me, I shadow walked to him. "Sephi!" the dark haired brother exclaimed as I jumped into his arms to hug him tightly. I didn't give him a chance to speak, I grabbed his face and kissed him roughly. I hadn't seen him since Meliodas and I had left the demon realm for good. My legs were wrapped around his waist and I could feel his cock getting harder by the second. There were no thoughts in either of our brains, our instincts took over and within seconds his dick was inside my pussy. I moaned lewdly into his mouth, he was matching my intensity with his own moans and groans as he sat me on a large boulder and fucked me relentlessly. He moved his mouth to lick and bite my neck, he was being especially needy and rough. "Don't stop, just like that," I breathed into his ear, he shuddered as his own breath caught in his throat. Zeldris continued thrusting into me harder and faster as he felt my pussy squeezing his cock tighter until I finally came on him. He was still mercilessly fucking me, my moans turned to screams from overstimulation, until finally he groaned and released his hot load inside me.

We made out slowly for awhile as we stayed connected, before finally pulling away. He grinned, "I missed you so much, Sephi. Now that you're here, I'm not letting you go. Meliodas can't-" I frowned at him, "I can't, Zeldris. I don't want to fight and it's clear that the demon clan has no intention of stopping despite our best efforts. You included..." Tears welled in his eyes, shattering my hearts, "Sephi, please. I know you've loved Meliodas longer than me but I love you too. You're everything to me. Are you going to throw away what we have for this?" My own eyes welled with tears, "No but Zel...you saw what the elves did to my homeland. I just want to save the demon clan from that!" He scowled, "You could try to do that from our side, instead you've sided with the one clan that despises us most." I scowled back, "It's not like that Zeldris! Your Father knows the extent of my power and would use me as his pawn in this stupid game, just like he's using you and the entirety of the demon clan. Why can't you see that? I don't trust the goddess clan but I'm at least not under the Demon King's thumb any longer." He sighed heavily and kissed me, "I just can't do it Sephi. I'm sorry. I love you more than anything in all the realms, but I can't align myself with those bastards. I won't force you to come back with me, but I'm dying without you. Stay safe for me," he whispered. I nodded and let out a quiet sob, I kissed him with the intensity of a thousand suns, "It's killing me to be apart from you. Your brother doesn't fill the hole left in my hearts from your absence. But I can't go back. I'll come see you again, I love you so much."

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Where stories live. Discover now