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We ended up packing up what little things we owned to move to the Kingdom of Danafor, where Meliodas became a Holy Knight. I could've, but I didn't really want to. It'd been awhile since we ran into Elizabeth's latest reincarnation. She always found us, no matter where we went. It was horrible, if she ever recalled her memories with us, she'd die in front of us within three days. I was on my way to the barracks to deliver lunch to Meliodas when I was bumped into rather hard. "I'm sorry, miss. Are you okay?" a man asked as he helped me up. I stared at him in disbelief, "Cassius?" I breathed out, I couldn't stop staring into his purple eyes. He smiled softly as he tilted his head, "I'm sorry, I think you might have mistaken me for someone else," he helped me stand then left before I got a chance to question him further. He looked just like Cassius...well, what Cassius would've looked like as an adult. I stared off to where he'd left for a bit before shaking my head and rushing to the barracks.

"Mel!" I shouted and grinned. He gave me an unamused face as I bounced up to him, his comrades were all staring at my tits that were almost completely visible with each bounce. My lover pulled my shirt down hastily, "Seph, you're killing me," he sighed heavily in exasperation. I giggled and kissed his lips softly, "They're just boobs!" Two of Meliodas' comrades threw an arm around his shoulders, "Yeah, Meliodas! We're all adults here!" one of them exclaimed. "Yeah, Meliodas! They're just boobs, we've all seen 'em. What's a couple more?!" the other exclaimed. Meliodas' aura was murderous as he elbowed them into oblivion, "I'll rip your eyes out if you even think about Seph naked." The other knights laughed their asses off at their two comrades being decimated by my lover. The grin on my face disappeared quickly, I couldn't get my mind off the man I'd run into. "What's wrong, Seph?" Meliodas disrupted my thoughts as he interlaced his fingers with mine and pulled me to one of the tables.

I shook my head a little, "Nothing. Just a little tired is all," I murmured as I unpacked his lunch I'd brought. He furrowed his brows, "Do we need to go home and rest?" By rest, he meant me use my power on him, though I hadn't had to do that in a while which is why he was confused. I hadn't been wounded or fighting so there wasn't a reason I should need any extra than his body provided through our blood pact. I smiled softly, "No. I'm alright, I just didn't sleep well." I could see from the look in his eyes that he didn't believe me but he chose to drop it as I handed him a sandwich. After we'd finished, I kissed him goodbye, he held my hand a little longer and stared at me as if trying to figure out why I'd lied to him but he didn't say anything. "I'll see you tonight, love," I called back as I left the barracks, he scowled at his comrades as they watched my ass in my tight shorts as I left.

In the next few weeks, I tried to find the man I'd run into, hoping he was still in Danafor. I sighed as I was starting to give up hope when I saw a familiar face, "Elizabeth..." I murmured to myself as I watched her latest reincarnation be carted into town towards the barracks, she was tied up with some others that wore uniforms from a neighboring enemy nation. Her eyes met mine and my hearts sank. I didn't want to watch her die again. I darted into a nearby alley and shadow walked to Meliodas, consequently scaring the shit out of him as he was in the bathroom. "SEPH! Why do you do this to me?!" he exclaimed quietly, knowing his comrades were just outside the door. I giggled and couldn't resist kissing him lustfully. He'd been washing his hands and was about to leave but I was relentless as I slipped one of my hands into his pants and started to stroke him. He inhaled sharply then chuckled, "You're gonna get me in trouble, you little succubus." His voice was deep and full of lust as he lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed my neck lightly. I bit my lip to quiet my moans as he grinded on me slowly but tightly, his kisses transformed to sucking and nibbling. He was determined to make a mess of me if I insisted on seducing him at work.

His hands gripped my ass firmly, he used his teeth to pull my crop top up above my chest then greedily sucked on each of my nipples. I let out a whimper, unable to contain it momentarily, he didn't stop or slow down in the slightest as he no longer cared if we got caught. I hissed quietly when I felt his fingers between my lips after he moved the fabric of my shorts out of the way. I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately, wanting to savor the taste of him, as he pushed his throbbing cock inside me. He'd been in the bathroom awhile now and decided to make it quick, his thrusts were hard but fast and despite great efforts, I couldn't stay all that quiet. "Oh, fuck, Meliodas! Your cock feels so good!" I breathed out, causing him to fuck me even harder. Just as my pussy squeezed him relentlessly, he shoved his tongue in my mouth and came inside me, keeping his cock as deep inside me as he could get himself. After we'd cleaned up, he kissed me again then gave me an unamused face, "You gotta stop seducing me at work, Seph." I grinned and flung the door open, several of his comrades fell to the floor as they'd been listening at the door. Most of them were young, horny, single men and wanted to hear all the noises that escaped my lips, fantasizing about fucking me instead.

-A few minutes earlier-
A handful of knights were walking past the bathroom when they heard questionable noises. A couple of their faces turned bright red, the others grinned mischievously at one another. "Any bets on who's in there?" one of them asked. Another scoffed and rolled his eyes, "It's Meliodas and Persephone, who else? The lucky bastard must be packing to land a woman like her that's all over him like she is!" Yet another snickered, "Someone sounds jealous if you ask me!" The man rolled his eyes again and another sighed, "What I wouldn't give to fuck that little minx..."

After giggling wildly at Meliodas 'disciplining' his friends, I informed my lover of Elizabeth's latest reincarnation then left the barracks shortly after in search of the man again. Where was he? I sighed after walking around the city to no avail yet again then dipped into a shadow to walk to the forest nearby. I needed to get away and I didn't want to deal with humans at the moment, no matter how adorable I found them at times. "Where are you going?" my lover asked in my head, I sighed before responding. "Just needed to get out of the kingdom, that's all," I lied yet again. I felt horribly guilty for lying to Meliodas but I didn't want to talk about Cassius if it wasn't really him. The blonde demon knew I was lying but he also knew I'd talk to him when I was ready, he was only upset because I seemed so troubled. I heard him grunt in response, letting me know he heard me but also that he knew I lied to him again. I walked along a small stream for a bit and tossed some rocks in, my mind wandered to Zeldris and my hearts began to ache. Meliodas and I had met a girl from Belialuin before the war ended who showed up again in our lives a week or two ago. We had seen her a couple other times but we'd discussed breaking the curses with her. Her only suggestion was to use the magic the Demon King lent Zeldris, meaning we'd have to unseal the demon clan. Meliodas was adamantly against it, for obvious reasons, but I was heartbroken for the billionth time.

Elizabeth, or Liz rather, lived with us until she could get on her feet. She'd been a slave purchased by the enemy kingdom and became a Holy Knight for Danafor. I liked her spunky personality and we quickly became close friends. "How long have you and Meliodas been together, Seph?" she asked one day, she and I were at the home I shared with the blonde as it was her day off. I grinned, "Long enough to know he's the light of my life." She made a gagging noise to tease me as we continued preparing the bread we were baking to take to the other knights. My fingers brushed hers and she blushed up a storm, "You alright, Liz?" I asked as I tilted my head in confusion. "Uhh yeah, excuse me I just need to go to the bathroom!" she exclaimed and ran out of the kitchen. I stared at the door she'd hastily run through with shock, what was going on? I decided to go check on her, I quietly knocked on the door, "Liz? Anything I can do for you?" I heard her shuffle around and take a deep breath before the door flung open and she looked at me with a fire in her eyes I hadn't seen before, "Yes," she whispered before grabbing my waist and kissing me deeply.

I moaned abruptly in her mouth as she'd picked me up quickly and pinned me beneath her on the bed Melidoas and I shared. I couldn't deny I was turned on but I had to stop her, I loved Meliodas and didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to have sex with her, the only two people I had sex with were the loves of my life: Meliodas and Zeldris. Nothing would ever change that. In the time I'd been freaking out in my head, she'd started sucking on my nipples and had her fingers between my lips, "I know you're with Meliodas but you're just so sexy and god you're so wet..." she panted out against my skin. I finally snapped out of it and shoved her off of me, "No! I can't do this with you, Liz! I love Meliodas, nothing will ever change that. I'm sorry..." She composed herself, "I'm so sorry, Seph. I don't know what came over me..." she muttered and quickly left my bedroom, I heard the door hastily open and slam shut. "It happened again, Mel.." I informed him in my head. I heard him hum in response, "Why is it only some reincarnations fall for you?" I flopped back down and giggled, "Any chance you can come home for a break? I'm suddenly craving your cock inside me." I grinned as I heard him chuckle mischievously, "Be right there!"

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora