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I briefly stared at my brother in shock before activating my magic, "Slumber," I growled through gritted teeth. Liz fell asleep instantly. "What's the meaning of this, Cassius?" I whispered harshly. He glanced down at Liz then returned my gaze with a smirk on his face, "You've grown so strong, little sister. That's why you're coming home with me. We'll find you a worthy mate and you'll take the throne. We can rebuild and-" In the blink of an eye, Meliodas was in front of me in Assault Mode, "I'll rip your entrails out before you take her from me." His voice was an icy poison and though I'd heard him like this many times, it made me shiver and fearful. Cassius scowled at the blonde in front of me, I had to peek my face around to look at him as Meliodas was taller and broader than I was. My brother's scowl transformed into a sickening grin, "This isn't over, you inferior beast. My little sister will take the throne and leave you behind." Meliodas was about to lunge at him when he disappeared in the shadows. I rushed over to Liz and put my forehead to hers with my eyes closed for a moment before sighing in relief. "He didn't do anything but charm her into liking him, thankfully. I have no idea what he's capable of," I stood up to look at my lover. "I don't care if he's your brother, Persephone. I'll kill him if he tries to take you from me," Meliodas' voice was eerily calm as his black eyes pierced mine.

I didn't respond to his statement but revealed something else, "Cassius is my half-brother. His father was a member of our army. I don't think I have to explain to you that my clan wasn't monogamous but we were a matriarchal society. The succubi were the leaders versus how it seems all the rest of the clans I've met are. That's why despite being younger I'm the heir. However, as I didn't know his father personally...I don't know what sort of magic he may have inherited. Cassius was also raised by my father, his own was killed shortly after his birth." Meliodas took a deep breath then exhaled slowly, his eyes lightened to their natural blue green, "We'll have to keep a closer eye on Liz. I fear he may try to use her against us." I nodded but wasn't sure whether I wanted to tell him about Cassius somehow knowing of the curse.

A week later, in the middle of the night, Meliodas and I awoke to a massive amount of dark power being released suddenly. We stared at each other for the briefest of moments before jumping out of bed and grabbing our clothes and gear. "Mel!" I called him over, interlocked my fingers with his, then shadow walked us to where I felt most of the power. My jaw dropped, blood was everywhere. I felt nearly no mortal energy anymore. "Meliodas..." I breathed out in disbelief. He scowled, "I feel a demon..." We sprinted to the demon's presence and found two familiar faces. "Liz!" I exclaimed and was about to shadow walk to her but I was too late, Fraudrin pierced through her armor. "NOOOO!" I screamed and sprinted to her while Meliodas attacked Fraudrin. "It's ok, I'm here Liz," I choked out as tears poured down my face, she was fading fast. She managed to smile at me just a little, "Don't cry, Seph. We'll see each other again. Never lose that love you and Meliodas share," after she finished, she took her last breath and died in my arms. I stared at her in shock for a bit before rage started to well up inside me, "no...No...NO!" My eyes burned a bright red as I clenched my teeth and fists tightly, I was building up a mass amount of power. Then I blacked out.

—Meliodas' POV—
I felt Liz's life fade then Persephone suddenly collapsed after I felt her releasing a ton of magic. I'd just dealt with Fraudrin so I rushed over to my lover and grabbed her in my arms. Liz was dead, there wasn't anything I could do for her. "Seph...?" I put my ear to her chest, I could barely hear a heartbeat. My ears started ringing, what the fuck happened to her. I heard someone start chuckling behind me, I turned around and glared at him. "Cassius," I spat out. He smirked, "She used too much of her magic because she refuses to unleash her true potential. Her body is shutting down. There's nothing you can do for my little sister, so you might as well give her to me and forget about her. You don't deserve her anyway." I couldn't help but get angrier, there was something about him and his sudden arrival I didn't like. I went into Assault Mode, "You'll take her over my dead body. I know I don't deserve her but I do know someone who can help. You don't deserve her either." His smirk didn't change, "Suit yourself but for your information, it's not just that she used too much of her magic." I gritted my teeth, "What did you do?!" He chuckled, "I used some of my magic. She'll never wake up. Not until I let her." I lunged at him but he was too fast, instead he disappeared into the shadows below him. And then I lost it.

After I watched Danafor burn for three days, I heard a baby crying. I picked up Persephone and strapped her to my back then went to find the baby, it was Elizabeth. I didn't react, of course this would happen. Why would I be able to have a happy life? My mother died far too early, Father became cruel then so did I. I shut my baby brother out and I couldn't protect Persephone. What was I supposed to do now?

—4 years later—
"You guys head back to Liones, I have an errand to run!" I called out cheerfully to the Sins as I began walking the opposite way. We'd just cleared a druid worshipping area of trolls but today was a special day. It was the anniversary of Persephone and I confessing our feelings to one another and I had to visit her. Ban and King exchanged a confused glance, "Don't follow me, Captain's orders," I yelled back as I'd sensed their intent. This made Ban and King even more suspicious, after I was out of earshot Ban looked at the group, "I'll see you guys back in Liones. I'm following Cap'n." "But Ban! Captain said don't follow him!" Diane exclaimed, Merlin stepped forward. "The rest of you can head to Liones, I want to speak with Ban for a moment," she explained. The Sins hesitated but ultimately relented and left Merlin and Ban alone. "What is it, Merlin? You gonna try to stop me too?" Ban asked her sharply. She smirked at him, "No, I won't. But as a forewarning, if you follow our Captain, be prepared to face his wrath." Ban gritted his teeth, "Do you know what he's up to then?!" Merlin stared at Ban for a moment before responding, "I do. It's a deeply personal and sensitive topic. Should he find you snooping, he may lash out. Be careful." Ban scoffed and turned to follow me anyway, "One last thing, Ban. Are you prepared to find out what our Captain is doing? And if so, are you prepared to show him empathy despite how he may react to you finding him?" Ban didn't respond as he continued his pursuit.

I jumped down into the cavern where I'd put Persephone. After Cassius revealed what he'd done, I found Merlin to look over my lover. She couldn't lift whatever magic that bastard had used but revealed that Seph would likely be able to come out of it herself. However, to avoid Cassius finding her or attacking Liones, I sealed her and hid her away in a cavern. My hearts ached to hold her again. Hear her voice, her laugh, and kiss her again. I arrived in the small hollowed out room I'd laid her in, she was as beautiful as she was when I first laid eyes on her in my dreams. I sat next to the translucent grey cube that she was sealed in and stared at her sleeping face. "I love you, Seph. Please wake up soon. I'm dying without you," I murmured.

—Ban's POV—
The Cap'n was sitting next to a strange cube with a woman sleeping inside, who the hell was she? "I love you, Seph. Please wake up soon. I'm dying without you," he whispered. Love?

—Meliodas' POV—
I could feel Ban lingering behind me as I sat next to Persephone. Normally, I would've been irritated that he'd followed me but I was too depressed as I stared at her face. "What do you want, Ban?" I asked, my voice was emotionless and quiet. He came out from behind the stone wall and sat down next to me. He didn't say anything, he could tell I was upset. "Ban, meet Persephone," my voice cracked as tears stung my eyes. "Who is she, Cap'n?" he asked quietly. I couldn't hold it in anymore, a sob escaped my lips, "She's the love of my life, since the day I realized what love was." Ban put his arm around my shoulders to comfort me, "Is there a reason she's sealed away in this cave?" I took a deep breath through my nose and exhaled slowly, "She was sick and fell into a coma...but someone dangerous wanted to take her from me. I sealed her here to hide her but also protect Liones in case they came looking for her. I didn't want them to attack the kingdom," I admitted. I felt his body tense substantially, "Dangerous?" his voice was filled with suspicion.

I hummed in acknowledgment, "They claim to be the only one to be able to wake her from the coma, but I don't trust them. I don't trust they wouldn't attack the kingdom looking for her either," I explained quietly. "How long has she been sealed, Cap'n?" I could tell he had a thousand more questions he wanted to ask. I sighed heavily, "A little over four years..." Ban hummed, "Can Merlin help?" I shook my head, "Merlin has looked over Persephone before, there's nothing she can do. Seph is powerful enough to escape it herself, I'm just worried she'll be different when she wakes up." His grip around my shoulders tightened slightly before relaxing, he stood up afterwards and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll leave you alone now, Cap'n. I'm here, if you need to talk," Ban offered. "Thanks, Ban," I murmured as he walked away.

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang