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"Cassius!" I exclaimed, he'd just arrived home with Papa after visiting the elven king. "Seph!" he grinned and scooped me up in a tight hug, my brother was taller than I was. To be fair, he was a few years older than myself but I was determined to outgrow him one day. "Did you bring me any sweets?!" I asked after I stopped giggling, he'd been spinning me around. He grinned mischievously, "Don't tell Papa, but I snagged a whole bag of 'em from the elven castle!" Cassius grabbed my hand to run and hide so we could eat all the sweets in secret.

I sat up abruptly and gasped, I hadn't dreamt of Cassius in so long. "Seph?" Meliodas mumbled sleepily, I'd sprung up out of his arms and woke him. I laid back down and snuggled my face in his neck, both of us were shocked when tears started wetting his skin. Meliodas woke a little more then, "Seph, what's wrong?" he hugged me tightly and stroked my hair. "I...I...I dreamt of my brother! I haven't in so long but I thought I saw him here in Danafor but it couldn't be him! I watched him die! But that man...he looks so much like what I would've imagined my brother would grow up to be!" I sobbed out, it felt good to finally let it all out. He hummed and stroked my hair, holding me tightly until eventually I'd calmed down. "You've been looking for him, haven't you?" he asked quietly after kissing the top of my head. I furrowed my brows, "How did you know?" He giggled, "Did you forget I can hear your thoughts? I mean I can't always but when you're stressed out...you're like an open book in my head." My cheeks burned bright red, "Why didn't you say anything before?!" He kissed my lips softly, "I knew you'd talk to me when you were ready. Do you want me to help look for him, Seph?" I sniffled a bit then kissed him a little needier, "Yes..." I whispered before shoving my tongue in his mouth.

The next day Meliodas took the day off to help me search for the Cassius look alike. "He has purple eyes, is quite a bit taller than you, and his hair is a darker blue than my own. But I don't think I need to tell you that as an incubus his appearance will stand out compared to the humans here," I informed my lover before we headed out into the city. "So he denied being Cassius when you asked him? Why do you think your brother would've done that?" Meliodas asked quietly, our eyes were diligently looking at every person nearby. I shrugged, "I'm not really certain, but I assume he has a good reason." My lover hummed, "Are you even sure he's still in Danafor, Seph?" I nodded, "I can feel a demon's magic other than our own right now. He thinks he's clever but I can feel it. He may have shape-shifted to hide from me, but he's always had a tell." "Which is?" Mel asked as we stood on a roof to get a better view. I grinned, "He can't transform his ears," I pulled my hair back to show my pointed ear. They weren't long like fairies or elves, but they were pointed nonetheless and the humans didn't have ears like us. "If he was smart, he'd transform to have long hair but was never a fan. Hates the way it feels on his neck, he says," I giggled and my hearts were hoping this truly was my brother.

Meliodas was about to respond when I abruptly grabbed his wrist and jumped into a shadow to pop out in an alley just in time to grab a man's wrist. "I found you, Cassius. Don't even pretend it's not you, I see your ears!" I growled, Meliodas stepped in his way and wrapped some of his darkness around his other wrist to prevent him from dragging me into a shadow with him. He scowled at my lover and transformed back into himself, "I never imagined you'd be playing house with a lesser demon, Persephone," Cassius spat out. Meliodas glared at him and activated his demonic power, "Don't make me show you why I'm the next Demon King, incubus. Your pathetic magic wouldn't even make a dent." I noticed Cassius tried to charm Meliodas, only to be met with a dark chuckle, "Your sister is the most powerful succubus to have ever existed and she's trained with me for 3000 years. Your magic is nothing to me." Cassius scoffed, I grabbed my lover's hand and pulled us into the shadows and walked us into the home Meliodas and I shared. "Why did you lie, Cass? How are you alive? Where have you been? I have so many questions!" tears started to trickle down my cheeks as I let out a small sob then hugged him tightly. He smiled softly and hugged me back, "I missed you, Persephone," he murmured into my hair. I pulled away and grinned up at him, "I missed you too, Cass. Will you please stay? It's late but in the morning, can we talk?" He nodded so I made up a bed for him on the couch in our main living area then headed to bed with Meliodas.

Before I could even get a word out, Meliodas was on me like moths to a flame, his hands ripped my clothes off as his lips found mine. I giggled against his mouth and ran my fingers down his chiseled abs to grab his dick in my hand, he was as hard as a rock and thrusted into my hand eagerly. "Someone's needy," I teased in my head to him, he snickered in response. "You're just so irresistible, I can't help it." He picked me up effortlessly and tossed me on our bed then proceeded to pin me beneath him and attacked my neck and chest with his mouth. "Don't keep those pretty little moans in just because your brother is in the other room, succubus," he growled, to which I ignored. We may have been from the succubus and incubus clan but I still didn't want my brother to hear me moan as Meliodas ravaged my body. His eyes darkened and the demon mark on his forehead appeared, meaning he was about to become more aggressive. His intentions were clear: he was going to ensure I gave him what he wanted and that was to moan his name loudly for all to hear.

The licking and kissing turned to sucking and biting on my neck and now chest, his tongue swirled around my nipples before he hungrily sucked them. I bit my lip hard, he was making it exponentially harder not to let out the noises he rightfully earned. His fingers found my pussy, I inhaled sharply as he switched tactics and licked my pussy as he finger fucked me. I grabbed a fistful of his messy hair and held my breath, I was close to cumming on his face. "Come on, cum for me," he whispered harshly before returning to devouring my pussy. My body tensed dramatically then it released all at once in a spectacular orgasm, I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood but some whimpers escaped despite my best efforts. Meliodas snickered before resting on his knees and shoving his cock inside me, he immediately started slamming into me. "Who am I?" he glared down at me lustfully. I scowled at him, unwilling to answer. He used his thumb to stimulate my clit, I began to twitch as another orgasm was creeping around the corner. "Who. Am. I?!" he growled this time and thrusted into me hard yet slowly, keeping me on edge. I gave in, I couldn't take it anymore, "My incubus!" I panted out, I just wanted to cum on his cock now. He grinned evilly, "That's right I am. There's nothing quite like a tamed succubus' pussy. You're mine, forever." Meliodas resumed his quick pace and pressed down harder around my clit, rubbing steadily until that burning buildup released. "Ahhhh fuck, Meliodas! Don't stop!" I shouted shamelessly, he'd won the domination game and got what he wanted. He twitched slightly before I felt his hot cum fill me up, he leaned down and kissed me sweetly. "You're the love of my life, Seph. I never want to be without you," he whispered then kissed me again. "I'd die if I lost you. I love you too, Meliodas," I whispered back as I snuggled my body against his.

I woke up the next morning to muffled conversation outside our bedroom door, Meliodas was still cuddled up next to me which made my hearts jump. Who was Cassius talking to?! I slowly slid out of Meliodas' grasp and threw on my clothes before going into the main area of our home. My mouth dropped a little, Liz! "Morning Liz. I see you've met my brother, Cassius..." I glared at him, I could see he'd used his magic on her. She grinned at me, "I did! He's a delight, why haven't you told me about him?" I faked a grin back, "I didn't know he was still around, I haven't seen him in so long. I assumed the worst." My fierce pomegranate colored eyes met the purple ones of my brother, I was about to speak when I heard his voice in my head. It chilled me to the bone. "Say anything about my charm on her and I'll make her remember the past. If you want her to live, you'll come home with me. Quietly. And don't even think about telling that poor excuse of a mate about it either."

Temptress [Meliodas x OC x Zeldris]Where stories live. Discover now