Twenty Four ✫

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"And all the roads we have to walk are winding, and all the lights that lead us there are blinding, there are many things that I'd like to say to you but I don't know how. Because maybe, you're gonna be the one who saves me, and after all you're my wonderwall... I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now." 'Wonderwall' Oasis


While the first hit was harsh, making her scream in pain, the last of them were remarkably restrained, leaving her braced and wincing. When it was done Yoongi dropped the paddle and stood behind her, his fingers stroking the edges of the hot irritated skin, his lips kissing her neck. He felt warm behind her, barely touching but leaving enough space to not hurt her.

"I would walk away from her if I could. I don't plan to take any of this lying down, meeting you made me want to fight to fix the future, Eui." His lips dragged to her ear, his touch light both against her earlobe and her bruised skin.

Eui felt his fingers dragging upward, away from the burning pain and delicately across her lower back. It made her shiver, his lips leaving tiny kisses along the curve of her throat as his fingertips traced paths across her stomach and ribs. Prickles of pleasure bloomed in her stomach, drawing the intensity of ache away, bringing her focus to the way he followed the soft swell of her breasts. His thumbs nudging against her hardened nipples, allowing her breasts to settle against his palms for a moment.

"Our game is over pet, let's get you down." Yoongi nipped her earlobe then continued his path upward with his fingers.

Gentle brushes across her collarbone then out toward her shoulders, up her inner arms that was almost ticklish except for the fuzzy feeling from the numbness of the position and silky rope. He lifted upward, Eui tiptoed for a second and then her arms were free from the frame. Her back rested against his chest, his hips tilted away to keep from bumping against her ass and erasing all the comfort he'd given her.

Yoongi lowered her arms slowly, his body cradling her against him. Eui knew he did it so that as the blood returned to her wrists and fingers the pain wouldn't rush back with it. She watched as he massaged her palms, his chin resting against her shoulder. When he was sure the risk had passed he began untying his intricate knots.

The silence gave Eui time to think, the pain in her body had receded except for the heat and ache in her ass. She knew that would take time, but it wasn't as bad as it had felt in the moment. Without the added discomfort of her arms and legs supporting her wobbling body she felt less acute pain. Now that she wasn't concentrated on the hurt radiating everywhere her brain was processing again. She was tugging back words he'd said, his answers to her questions.

She'd really learned nothing she didn't already know, and Eui suspected Yoongi had known that would be the outcome. What she did know is that if he couldn't extract himself from Aemin, their future would look a lot differently than she imagined. Could she stay with him if he had children with her? It was ridiculous to jump so far ahead, his child bride was just that, a child, too young at twenty one to be a mother. There was time, then why was it leaving such a terrible taste in her mouth?

"How's that?" Her focus shifted to his voice, looking down at her arms where they were no longer tied together.

"Feels alright." Eui answered just as softly as he'd spoken the question.

"Do you want a bath? A shower?" Yoongi turned her in his arms, now it was safe to tug her body flush into his and he did. The line of his body was firm but not heavily muscled, she also could tell he wasn't hard and straining against his pants anymore.

"No, a massage?" She couldn't imagine sitting in a tub, the thought made her wince and Yoongi grinned catching it.

"Alright, let me get some cooling gel and massage oil." He walked backward toward the bed, one hand on her hip, careful to not curl his fingers around to her ass.

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