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"Using bodies up as we go, I'm waking up to a fantasy.. broken ice still melts in the sun and ties that are broken can often be one again... manic moves and drowsy dreams living in the middle of two extremes, we're soul alone and soul really matters to me.. you're out of touch, I'm out of time, but I'm outta of my head when you're not around." 'Out of Touch' Hall & Oates


"Absolutely not!" Dream's fingers closed around Eui's wrist in a claw like grip that yanked her back with very little concern for her comfort. "Dinner starts in less than twenty minutes and you're not skipping it." Eui rocked on her heels as she turned toward them again with the motion of Dream's tug.

Eui frowned at her wondering why she should care about dinner but from the corner of her eye she caught sight of Gaeru, or Wonjoong, whoever he was, who had narrowed his eyes and she felt that look head to toe. It froze her in place without even needing to be touched or hear the disapproval in his tone. Had she not seen that look countless times in much different circumstances? She bit her lip and straightened, she certainly didn't owe him obedience, not only because they weren't at Dagger but for a number of other reasons as well. It just didn't seem to matter, for a second she had wanted to acquiesce to him, erase his displeasure. Eui scowled but now Gaeru was smirking, recognizing her behavior, the subtle shift in her body language.

"I rarely did have to verbally correct you." His deep voice sliced through her in a way that was not entirely pleasant, but also made her very aware of him.

"Just stay for dinner." Dream sighed, looking at Gaeru, something passing between them wordlessly.

"Why is everyone is so worried about Director Min?" Eui said the words too loudly, even when she realized how petulant they sounded she was unable to contain her growing agitation. She certainly wasn't going to touch on Gaeru's comment about their sexual interactions and instead chose to change the subject.

"Maybe because it's my birthday?" Eui flushed, how had Director Min crept up on her so soundlessly, but there he was, impossibly handsome in his dark tuxedo and raised brow.

Had she failed to notice how gorgeous he looked in the greenhouse because her eyes had been seeing nothing but jealousy over his interaction with Aemin? With only a few steps he found himself seamlessly in the ever growing gathering they'd created, Asul, his other security guard taking point next to Dream. It was suffocating being surrounded by the four of them, the only silver lining remained that his wife wasn't in tow.

"Of course, happy birthday, enjoy your party. I was just headed out." Eui could feel the sneer of distaste on her normally pretty features as she stepped back.

"Like hell you're leaving." Director Min laughed with very little humor, his dark eyes rolling. "You were a very curious woman just a few weeks ago, and now I open my doors for your inquisition and you're leaving early?"

"Opened your doors? Like my being here was some sort of favor to me?" Her voice almost cracked at the sheer incredulity of her words. She'd been conned into attending by not just one but three different people!

"Of course not, you don't know how relieved I am to see that you actually showed up." For his part Director Min wasn't laughing anymore. "Eui, I know I'm looking like a creepy asshole right now but I promise that's not the whole truth."

Eui opened her mouth to form another protest but he frowned, closing the distance his hand wrapping around her waist. Gaeru and Asul shifted, their bodies blocking the interaction from any prying eyes that might walk into the hall from either direction. She tried again to decline but the gentle squeeze of his long fingers were warm and calming, his eyes not quite pleading but searching for something in hers.

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