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"Beg me for mercy, admit you were toxic. You poisoned me just for another dollar in your pocket. Now I am the violence, I am the sickness, Won't accept your silence, beg me for forgiveness. We'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter" 'Blood Water' Grandson


Aemin practically glowed as she jumped from her seat to run around the edge of the table to hug Eui, her tears miraculously drying up in the same instant. She tried not to flinch at the petite girl's arms around her neck and the way she wiggled them both side to side. Eui had never been one to have a ton of girlfriends. The ones she did have they certainly didn't behave like school girls now that they were nearly thirty year old women.

"It's fine, but if I'm going to risk my career by starting a rumor I need something in return." Eui urged Aemin back a step, her hands firmly on her shoulders but she did it with a kind smile. She'd negotiated enough scenes to know that nothing was free, the give and take of any transaction was essential.

"Of course! Name your price." Aemin returned to her seat, and her words left a bad taste in Eui's mouth. Someone with infinite access to money would of course think that was what everyone wanted.

"This isn't blackmail, I don't want you to pay me." She sipped her coffee before she let a much sassier response fall from her lips.

"I didn't mean it like that," Aemin flinched realizing her mistake, "I was thinking something like a payment for a job well done? Especially since I had you doing all the work yesterday for nothing."

"MCC will pay me for my hours here yesterday, whether or not you needed my help I was on the clock. What I want is for you to be very clear with Bonassi that I did an amazing job and we worked together very well. I'm still new to the position and a compliment from the director's wife could go a long way for my future here." Eui watched Aemin nod vigorously before she'd even finished the request, but then she didn't think it was a very big one given the circumstances.

"Of course, I will make it very sincere."

"Thank you."

"Your boss is actually who I think would be the most likely to spread the rumor, I had hoped she would come handle the party herself. Last year she came over to help with a ball MCC was throwing for Yoongi's mother and I jokingly said I was eating enough for two and then everyone was whispering I might be pregnant." Aemin poured herself more coffee from a tall silver carafe the maid had left on the table. Eui was beyond shocked that her very professional leader had been so loose with her words.

"Even if she'll repeat it, I can't just gossip with my boss!" Eui frowned trying to imagine how that conversation would go. Bona might have no problem whispering about Aemin's fertility status with her close colleagues at the office she'd known for years, but the two of them didn't have the same closeness yet.

"I was thinking you could just mention everything went really well, except for a very awkward moment last night when you caught the two of us in the kitchen. Just explain you were very embarrassed and worried I'd called you back today to get you in trouble. Maybe you could tell her in a way that sounds like you were worried about your job? But I'll make sure to speak to her before you arrive and I'm sure she'll reassure you that I didn't even mention it." Aemin smiled, there was something conspiratorial in her eyes, an intelligence that Eui had obviously been overlooking. Gone was the wide eyed innocence, but in a breath it was back, a girlish laugh radiating from her chest.

"Alright." Eui agreed, it sounded like a solid plan, but something didn't feel right about it. If their marriage was rock solid, which it somehow appeared to be, why did it matter what the employees of MCC thought?

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