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"They've come to get me again, the cloud is over my head, my polyamorous friend she got me in a mess of trouble again. Just when you think that you're alright, I'm calling out from the inside, I never hurt anyone, I never listen at all. Just stay away from the white light, I'd say your worst side, your best side." 'Polyamorous' Breaking Benjamin


Eui had been silent as they made their trip down the hall to his private suite, wrapped up in her thoughts. Each step closer tumbled heat into her stomach but not entirely in the sexy way she anticipated. The truth was she actively choosing a path where she knew morally she had no high ground at all. Choices where Aemin, who annoyed her but seemed sweet enough, was set to lose.

But did Eui really know that for sure? She was assuming a lot, basing everything she knew on her interactions with Aemin. Clearly the girl was smitten with Director Min, and didn't like the idea of rumors at the office. But that didn't mean she didn't know what he got up to in his free time, she just didn't want it broadcast across Seoul that he was at Dagger most nights. They could have an open relationship but it didn't mean she wanted their sex life public knowledge. Eui knew she was reaching, if it were so simple wouldn't he just explain that to her? Maybe not, he didn't seem interested in giving her any information at all.

They'd encountered no one on their short stroll, Director Min opening his suite and gesturing her to enter before him. When she veered toward the living space he hooked his fingers into the belt of her robe and tugged, the silky black material coming open easily. His hands warmly grasped her waist beneath the parted material, his thumbs pressing into the softness of her belly. The marks from Taejo's hits had faded, leaving no pain as Director Min pressed against her.

"Despite your initial pain Taejo played very delicately with you Eui, your beautiful body is undamaged." He was looking down at the opening in her robe, assessing her skin. The long pale swath of her drawing his eyes, she could read the naughty thoughts he was having easily. Eui thought about his words, there was definitely some tenderness in her limbs but the waning adrenaline was taking most of her soreness with it.

She reached up and touched his mask, firmly in place for their walk room to room through the public space of the hallway. Her fingers hesitated, but she finally pushed back the disguise, it was lightweight, fabric covered cardboard she guessed, cheaper than she suspected. Director Min's handsome face looked at her, with her heels she was nearly his height.

"You must really think you've leveled the playing field between us." His voice was an irritated groan but his hands had risen to just below the soft curve of her breasts.

"I'm not sure I can obey you at all anymore." Eui teased, but the light in his eyes told her she'd said the wrong thing.

"Shower, I'll find a towel for you." His hands dropped away abruptly leaving her feeling chilled and frustrated.

"I don't need a shower." Eui said petulantly, generally showers were because the submissive was covered in sweat or lubricant from a rigorous scene. That or used as a bonding moment between sub and dom to reconnect them on a less intense level. She wasn't sweaty or lubricated and it didn't sound as it Director Min planned to join her in the shower.

"Do you ever do anything you're told?" He turned from where he was walking toward a closet and glared which turned into a put out eye roll.

"I guess I used to, you're just catching me at my worst." Eui conceded, playfulness in her eyes, trying to defuse the situation. Subs had the power to stoke the fire or quench its flames, she saw no appeal to making him more angry.

"Get in the shower Eui." He put his hands on his hips, his posture almost made her laugh. It wasn't so much authoritative as it was exasperated.

"Are you going to join me?" Eui tried flirting, although it hadn't worked a moment ago. She bit her lip softly and let the robe fall to the floor.

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