Twenty Two

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"We started dancing and love put us into a picked us out for romance, I thought it was clear the plan was we would share this feeling just between ourselves, but when the music changed.. he went to dance with someone else.. let the music play he won't get away just keep the groove and he'll come back to you again.. what does love want me to do.. this groove he can't ignore he won't leave you anymore." 'Let the Music Play' Shannon


"You said you'd be home on time to meet your new house staff." Yoongi's mother met him in the garage, he knew that look on her face, she was annoyed, scolding him the second he opened his car door.

"They're staff, Eomma, does it matter when I meet them? Good staff just blend into the background and make life easy, I don't need to be best friends with them." He frowned grabbing his bag from the back seat, he wasn't even sure he was going to keep them anyway. When she stopped aggravating him about it he'd secretly start dismissing them.

"I don't want to ever hear you say that again!" His mother whacked his arm with a dish towel she'd been holding. "Don't forget we came from nothing, there was a time my eomma was someone's overlooked staff."

He turned to look at her, she must have thought he was about to apologize but those definitely weren't the words on his lips. Yoongi was mad, his shoulders were holding up the entire family, not just today but for the rest of his life. Compound it with his mother being one of the main reasons he was doing it, she had no right to make it feel heavier. He was only twenty four and carrying too much on his heart, it was turning him bitter, he couldn't even remember the last time he'd laughed.

"I'm sorry, let's go meet them." Yoongi conceded, because of course he wasn't going to scream at her.

What would he say if he could loosen his tongue? Your husband cheated? At least once but probably a lot more and one of those times he made a daughter. Now I'm tied to a dangerous businessman that helped my illegitimate sister and kept you and the MCC investors from finding out our family is as fucked up as everyone else's? He could almost laugh at himself, how ridiculous would that have sounded?

Choking back any more words at all Yoongi followed his mother down the back hallway that led out of the garage. All he could think about was when life had been full of hope. Sure, they'd been poor, but the pressure of the world hadn't pushed him into the ground.

Growing up his family spent almost every weekend with their neighbors, a small community on the outskirts of Daegu. They'd shared food, music, hung out playing games, it was a colorful extension of his family. The concept for MCC had been born in those moments of fraternity.

Yoongi had made some of his closest friends, Wonjoong, Haejun, and others that were among the founding investors at MCC. They spent those weekends dreaming, mapping their way out of poverty, and preventing their creativity from being suppressed as they worked dead end jobs or attended neglected schools.

Ingenuity was rampant among their underused and untested minds, he'd had his first patent for a headphone transmitter brought to life in a neighbor's shed, him and his uncle tinkering until it worked. He'd watched friends and people he looked up to creating music and beats, dancing better than idols he'd see on tv. He'd wanted to capture everything around him and bottle it, bring it to life for people who'd resolved to just get through life, instead of experience it wholly.

Around the time Yoongi, his father, and uncle were getting serious about the plans for MCC, he'd met Eunae. She'd moved into the neighborhood with her mother and quickly became his shadow. She was two years younger, only thirteen and annoying at first. But when he realized she was smarter than him, and infinitely more clever, he warmed up. She kept him guessing, pushed him harder than anyone when it came to executing his plans, and made him angry regularly.

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