Three ✫

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"Sunshine, there ain't a thing that you can do that's gonna ruin my night. This dizzy dreamer and her bleeding little blue boy, licking your fingers like you're done and you've decided there is so much more than me. What if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat, I'll be the fire that'll catch you. What's so good about picking up the pieces? None of the colors ever light up anymore in this hole." 'Caraphernelia' Pierce The Veil


Eui almost cried out as her body pitched forward but Taejo caught her at the last second. His growl of anger, his demand she not allow Gaeru to touch her again made her skin prickle with anticipation. She didn't belong to any of the dominants, instead preferring to enjoy any of them whenever she wanted. But that decision stirred a lot of jealousy, this wasn't the first encounter where she was punished for her choice.

"I'm sorry Sir." As for when she'd learn? Never. Eui had no intentions on restricting herself to anyone, if the doms could fuck who they pleased so could she.

In fact more than two thirds of the submissives at Dagger were refusing exclusive dynamics these days. Something had begun stirring through the collective, unspoken at first, silent assertion, months ago. Ani broke things off with Mobon, Onshi stopped submitting to Saban, Chloa and Jaebina took additional lovers. From there it had been wildfire, Eui had been in the minority, less than twenty subs were unmatched back then, now there were almost fifty. Soon the quiet whispering was how the dominants had grown too secluded, there were too many who refused to share, too many that were absent for long periods of time without warning.

Eui knew that last part meant they were likely idols or actors. Idols gone on tour, actors making tv shows or movies, which was a reasonable excuse. But she could understand the frustration of the subs since almost none of the dynamics extended beyond the walls of Dagger. That was the whole purpose of the dungeon, to contain these relationships, these kinks, so everyone could be other people outside of them. It was incredibly rare for a sub to know the true identity of their doms if they were one of the majority who masked. It meant that if your exclusive dom disappeared on tour for five months without a word, you were on your own and intensely celibate. Who would want that?

"You still refuse to be mine Jaya?" Taejo shook her, hard enough that she had to stop her head from snapping backward.

"I will not be yours, Sir." She grit her teeth as she answered, a tiny bit of defiance on the words. That would make what would happen next that much more enjoyable.

Taejo spun away headed toward the wall of toys and Eui took the break to glance at the glowing tv screen. Her dark brown eyes looked past the information she already knew it would contain and darted to the upper right hand side. Part of her boundaries was that no doms could watch her play sessions and scenes anonymously. If anyone logged into the cameras to observe, their name was displayed. Being watched was high on Eui's list of kinks, and to fully enjoy it she wanted to know was enjoying it with her.


She had to force herself not to smile seeing the second to last name. If she was in the dungeon Daigo was watching, Eui could probably only count on one hand the amount of times she'd not seen his name. She knew he was male only because they'd played once, well that and the male doms were always named after emperors of the Asian empires. Their single session had been over a year ago, and she'd thought their chemistry had been amazing. Daigo had read her so well, pushing her exactly how far she craved, drawing her back from the edge expertly. They were so in step it was shocking and she was sure there would be future sessions. Except after a very intimate and intense aftercare he'd bolted and never asked for her again.

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