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"Let me violate you, let me desecrate you, let me penetrate you, let me complicate you. I wanna fuck you like an animal, I wanna feel you from the inside. I wanna fuck you like an animal, my whole existence is flawed. You get me closer to God." - 'Closer' Nine Inch Nails


Would the word irritated be enough to describe what Eui felt as she tapped her phone screen with a nude colored nail? Probably not. It had been sixteen minutes since the company car had dropped her off at Director Min's sprawling mansion in the outskirts of Seoul. Fifteen minutes too damned long, who took longer than a minute or two to answer the door?

She'd knocked, rang the doorbell, tapped her high heeled foot impatiently, which was beginning to ache as she stood on the concrete step at the tall wooden door. No one was answering and she was about to call the car back. Had she misunderstood her boss's instructions?

Eui paused before sending the message to her boss and the car service. Disgustingly rich people could afford to be rude, leave their staff waiting on a front porch step. If she didn't reel in her impatience she may find herself without her job. Instead of tapping send with her manicured nail she brushed her long black hair over her shoulder and took a slow calming breath.

It had only been weeks since Sim Eui had accepted the job of intermediate event coordinator for the Min Collection Corporation. MCC, Seoul's most coveted employer rarely had openings, their employees so lavishly happy they seldom resigned positions. Word of mouth tended to fill vacancies before they ever appeared to the general public. Eui herself had gotten an interview based on the recommendation of a family friend in the IT department.

Was it the excellent pay? Generous benefits? Fair working conditions? Job security? Maybe the stunningly gorgeous CEO. Eui might have grinned if the ache in the ball of her foot hadn't taken that moment to throb. She doubted the last one. Director Min was a ghost, only the very highest of employees ever interacted with him.

Besides it wasn't like he was the young hot eligible bachelor, Director Min was over thirty and married. The gossip around the office said he was disgustingly happily married and went home for dinner to his perfectly sweet natured beautiful wife every single night.

The true reason everyone gravitated to MCC was probably that the 300 trillion won organization was unstoppable. It held patents for some of the most cutting edge technology being used in the music industry world wide. Aside from just changing how people consumed music it also housed four distinct record labels for top talent across most of Asia.

Those were just the main components of the collection; fashion, video production, and photography were pet projects constantly launched to buffer their other endeavors. Director Min had started the company with his father and his father's best friend when he was only seventeen and now at nearly thirty one was one to the richest men in Korea if not the world.

He was admired not only for his keen eye at seeing talented people but also for believing in his teams and that helped his empire grow. He reinvested much of his fortune into the MCC, making sure everyone who worked for him felt valuable to the company. The only complaint anyone ever had was that they sometimes weren't sure if the man actually existed.

Eui let her shoulder rest against the side of the door, lifting one foot then the other trying to relieve some of the pressure. It might not have been so bad if she'd not spent all morning running around for her boss organizing a meet and greet for a blues artist at a club in Gangnam.

Kang Bona was a fair but fiercely ambitious leader, already Eui felt like she'd learned so much from the older woman. She'd been at the company since it's inception, one of the few people who'd built the department from the ground up. Eui decided bailing on her first assignment that got her this close to Director Min would be short sighted, even if it wasn't going well at the moment.

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