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"I've been lonely, I've been waiting for you. I'm pretending and that's all I can do. You've been hiding, never letting it show, always trying to keep it under control, you got it down and you're well on your way to the top, but there's something you've forgot." 'What About Love' Heart


Eui wanted to put on the brakes and change direction, walk anywhere but toward the keen gaze of Dream, but she grit her teeth, forced a smile, and joined the spirited group. Cee wiggled her brows at Eui and smirked, clearly thinking that she'd just had a wonderful time with Taejo.

For some reason it irritated Eui that everyone thought she'd spent her time with Taejo but how could anyone have known Daigo would catch onto her ill-conceived plan and burst into their scene? Not even Eui expected that, she'd hoped at best he'd be jealous and call on her as soon as she left Taejo's side. Maybe she was bothered that everyone now thought she'd spent her time with Taejo because something was changing in her mind when it came to her feelings for Director Min. She shivered slightly remembering his intoxicating mouth between her thighs, his arms holding her legs open.

"Welcome back Jaya, you look unscathed." Lila's smirk matched Cee's like she too had assumed Eui was returning from a passionate make up session with the handsome Taejo. Eui smiled, knowing she should just go along with it, the last thing she really needed was everyone finding out Daigo rejected her.

Dream's gaze said she knew exactly where Eui had come from and it made Eui inwardly irritated. How much did Director Min divulge to her? Even if she was his best friend, did he have the right to share the intimate details of their scenes? She swallowed hard realizing there was no way he could have spoken to her yet, any details Dream knew were likely from the mouth of Crey. But even Crey didn't know what they'd gotten up to in Director Min's suite.

Eui knew very little about the Dungeon Master, aside from the fact that he was quiet and played with mostly male subs. Although it hadn't been entirely surprising to find that Dream was his, she could recall at several parties Dream being on her knees at his side looking remarkably beautiful. Just like she did now in the group of subs.

"We talked, it wasn't a scene." Eui answered Lila evenly, Dream's eyes read the lie but she didn't so much as flinch in any way that told Eui she would call her out.

That meant Dream was watching the scene with Taejo, which meant her lie in general was risky. How many other subs could have been lounging with a dom who was also tuned into the feed? Eui wondered if Dream had been with Dungeon Master Crey or Director Min when she saw what transpired. She bit the side of her tongue to keep from reacting to this idea.

"And? Come on Jaya, don't leave us guessing. Taejo sent you roses every single day!" Cee leaned forward, too interested, too invested, Eui guessed it was the alcohol making her nosy not genuine curiosity.

Most subs had very little curiosity about the interactions of others, each sub had their own preferences, limits, and expectations. Watching for the thrill was different than watching for intrigue. Being turned on by the power exchange was normal, subs didn't generally watch other subs because they cared how other interactions worked, unless of course the sub was new to the scene Eui conceded. Cee was not new, and didn't particularly like Taejo, so it was definitely the alcohol egging her on.

"We both decided to take a break from each other, there's too many emotions involved and it doesn't feel healthy." Eui tried a smile but something felt tilted in her stomach, was she talking about Taejo or Daigo? Recalling her conversation with Daigo, and her interaction with Taejo it certainly applied in multiple ways to both men.

Except in neither scenario was she choosing the outcome, one had been forced on her by Crey, the other by Director Min. That tasted bitter to Eui, having the DM punish Taejo to keep him away from her felt manipulative, but it made something warm in her stomach. Did this mean Director Min was jealous of her interactions with him? Had he asked Crey to make that decision to prevent Taejo from coming near Eui again? That was something she would have to unpack later, too many eyes were staring into her at present.

Hetaera • MYGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें