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"Pull me off to darkened corners where all other eyes avoid us, tell me how I mesmerize you, I love you and I despise you. Back to the crowd where you ignore me.. aim pull the trigger feel the pain getting bigger go insane from the bitter feeling trippin super psycho love. Say you want me. Say you need me. Tear my heart out slow." 'Super Psycho Love' Simon Curtis


Eui stood in the store, hands on hips with a frown that was quickly etching itself into her usually smooth forehead. When she'd decided to go to this birthday party for Director Min she'd forgotten that would entail choosing a suitable gift. What in the heavens did someone buy for a man who could purchase anything he wanted without a thought to its cost? What did someone buy for a man who they didn't exactly know, but could imagine between their thighs with shocking attention to detail?

"I'm not going to lie, Penhaligon's is my new favorite brand for cologne." The sales person was motioning toward a glass cabinet his smile saying he thought she looked like someone who could land him a significant sale, but he'd not quite figured out how to part her from her cash. He'd already shown her a case of men's bracelets, but she'd not been able to decide if they'd matched Director Min's style.

Eui bent toward it, lines of very expensive bottles caught her eye, but none more so than one that read 'Eau the Audacity' in it's classic after shave looking etched glass bottle with forest green touches. A smirk found itself on her lips, because wasn't that just too true? Hadn't she been bullied into attending, not just by Mr Birthday Boy himself but two of the women in his life? That made her stomach clench, because wasn't it his wife's beckoning that had won her over in the end? Wasn't it just all the audacity that Eui herself could muster? To not only want Aemin's husband, but show up at his birthday dinner just weeks after he'd essentially had her for a very tasty snack?

"Can I smell this one?" She pointed to the bottle with it's writing reminiscent of an apothecary's shop, curly script with gold and green.

"That one is a personal favorite! Top notes of black pepper and orange that eases into deep vanilla and incense. It's warm and sexy." He spritzed the tester onto a wisp of tissue paper and extended it.

Why could Eui imagine it on his skin? Director Min leaning over her in his huge bed in his suite at Dagger and that peppery, sweet, spicy scent make her want to roll all over him. The idea flashed into her head of nuzzling her lips into the curve of his neck and etching the scene into her brain, that scent tying the fantasy all together with a neat bow.

"I love it, but it might be too much for a boss's birthday gift." Now she was imagining Director Min opening the gift box with Aemin at his side. It was an intimate and sexy present for the baby wife to read her name on the card.

"I would think of it as a confident gift. Keep the card light, a simple, Happy Birthday. Don't close it with anything but your name. It will be a little mysterious, but also acknowledge that we all have personal lives outside of work." The man smiled, Eui could tell he was scrambling to not lose the sale, because even with his suggestion, this bottle of cologne didn't say confident. It said I want to smell it on your naked skin.

"I doubt he'll even open it, he's literally a man who has everything." Eui sighed, maybe she should just give a cash gift, wouldn't most people do that anyway? How many of the hundred guests would bring a physical gift? If that number was low, then this would really stand out.

"Cologne is a very modern present, I'm sure it won't stand out in the way you think. The bottle isn't provocative and the name is cheeky enough that he'll likely be amused." The sales person tried a different angle, and this tactic seemed more plausible.

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