Chapter 19: Phase Three

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Copycat: *growls* Why you...!!

Chase and Everest slowly got up from the ground and went over to Skye to check on The Copycat, who was still inside the crater.

The Copycat eventually got back up from his paws, while sweeping the dust and stones away from his body. He then checked on his cheek where Skye delivered the hit on earlier, which had a small bruise within it.

Copycat: *scoffs* Not bad, Skye. I gotta give you that.

Skye: So does that mean you'll start fighting me for real now?

Copycat: *mocks* Only if you prove yourself worthy to put me up a challenge, unlike from the rest of the garbage whom I fought earlier.

Chase and Everest both growled in anger when they heard that.

Copycat: Still, that lucky shot of yours was definitely something that I didn't expect of.

The Copycat then teleported himself out of the crater and landed behind the three of them. The pups immediately turned around and saw him standing from quite a distance away from them.

Chase: *slightly nervous* Seems like he's finally kicking in.

Everest: I doubt if... if we can handle him, even with the three of us together.

Skye: Don't worry pups, I think u have an idea on how to take them down...

Chase: And what's that?

Skye: I'll take care of Copycat by myself. As for the both of you, get to Foggy Bottom and rescue our friends. We'll need their help in beating them.

Chase: *worried* But you'll be-

Skye: I'll buy you some time, plus I won't be defeated this easily. Get going and save them. I'll be fine by myself, I promise!

Chase: BUT-

Everest: *sighs* We should had some faith in Skye, Chase. If this was her plan, then we must not let her down.

Chase: It's not about me not trusting her, but I'm still kinda worried that she might endanger herself by doing this. We can't just-

Skye: *smiles* Don't worry about me, Chase. I'll promise to you, that I won't leave you behind in the dust.

Chase's words froze. He didn't know why, but he can't spit a single word out of his mouth. Her words felt magical, like for an instant, he couldn't come up a response, but simply nodded upon her request.

Chase: That's a promise, Skye. You better keep your word after all that. I can't risk losing another friend of mine! You have to win this!!

Skye: *nods*

Chase: *looks at Everest* Let's go.

Chase then dashed towards Foggy Bottom with his super speed, while Everest went on her vehicle and followed Chase from behind.

Skye watched as the two pups departed away from her sight. She silently let out a smile, then turned her head back to The Copycat.

Copycat: *smirks* This was your plan? Keeping your friends away from the battlefield so that you can take me on all by yourself?

Skye: Yeah, and what about it?

Copycat: I can't tell if your 'plan' that you made would be marvellous, or it's just you who's going mentally insane.

Skye: *grins* I'm not insane, just going on plan to take you down. And if you're thinking on getting to my friends...

Both of Skye's front paws then glowed pink and generated mini whirlwinds around her paws. The whirlwinds later gradually turned yellow, and after a brief period of power combining, a wild orange flaming aura surrounded each of her two front paws.

Paw Patrol AU (Skase ver.) SuperVerse S1Where stories live. Discover now