Chapter 17: Second Chance

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Skye slowly opened her eyes. She found herself laying on one of the beanbags in the lookout. She didn't know how did she end up here.

Skye: *thought* The... lookout?

As Skye tried to get up, she suddenly felt a painful ache all over her body, which made her grunt in pain. She felt herself being shattered to pieces.

Skye: *groans*

Strangely, the pain made Skye immediately recalled what happened a few moments ago. She remembered when she fought Copycat in the city, and got knocked out by his Violet Obliteration.

She grunted again, then looked at herself, being tied up by bandages all over her body. She gently touched her chest, then winced. The crystal attached on her pup tag seemed to fade it's colour.

Skye: ...I lost...?

"You're finally awake, Skye."

A voice called out from behind her. Skye turned over, and saw a familiar face, which made her relieved.

Skye: *smiles* Chase?

Skye watched as Chase pushed her pup bowl over to her, which contained water in it.

Chase: Need a drink...?

Skye: ...Thanks.

Skye went over to her bowl at slow pace, trying to not injure her body any more. She then slowly drank the water on her pup bowl.

Chase: That was... one rough battle out there, huh?

Skye: *sighs*

Chase: ...Pretty sure this seems like the first time something like this happened to us. I don't know, but...

Skye then apologized, with a sorry look on her face.

Skye: *looks down* I'm... sorry.

Chase: *surprised* Why?

Skye: I tried my best... *looks away* But I failed you all. I couldn't get the job done like you promised.

Chase: But-

Skye: *sobs* I couldn't reach what you wanted. I couldn't protect everyone including my friends and all of the people who were living here... I couldn't do anything!!

Chase: Skye... it's not your fault...

Skye: Not my fault? *looks at Chase with teary eyes* If it wasn't for me being powerless against The Copycat over there, Ryder and my other friends wouldn't be in danger!! We're so close to beating those villains, so close to bringing them the peace which everyone was waiting for... but because of me... they... they-"

Chase then sat beside Skye and comforted her with the best he can. Skye was about to break in despair, as she was about to burst out tears...

Chase: Skye, listen... you're not the only one who's going in that situation where we faced earlier. Just so you know, that Copycat who we fought against just now, he's much more stronger than before. You even saw me and the others being defeated by him that easily...

Chase: It's not that hard to believe that. You basically tried your best for the others, and... that's all I could care about. Even if we're all in danger, you stormed in to help all of us without hesitating, and you put much of a huge responsibility than us. So, stop blaming yourself for everything. You gave it your all, and you're proven loyal to all of us.

Skye looked at Chase, still feeling guilty over what happened.

Chase: You put much of a good fight to him, and that's something not all of us can do to him.

Paw Patrol AU (Skase ver.) SuperVerse S1Where stories live. Discover now