Chapter 2: One Mission

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Meanwhile, in Foggy Bottom...

The mayor of Foggy Bottom, Mayor Humdinger with his nephew Harold were seen watching TV in their hideout.

As for the kittens, they were just playing with a yarn ball.

All of them were bored, as they had nothing else to do.

"This is just getting even boring, uncle. Sitting down here and watch TV all day just makes me wanna puke so bad..." Harold groaned.

"I mean, if you're that bored of just watching TV then why don't you just go out and chill?" Mayor Humdinger turned over to his nephew and asked. "Like a walk or something."

"No, that's even more of a dull thing to do." Harold replied. "Doesn't plague my interest one little bit."

"You always say that..." Mayor Humdinger said. "It's more like you hate doing almost anything just because of your boredom."

"Seems like it." Harold simply replied. "There's nothing better to do in this place, anyways. Just watching TV dramas everyday."

"Huh." Mayor Humdinger said. "What things do you like to do most, then?"

"Creating new machines." Harold shrugged. "Playing video games."

"And what did you despise most about?"

"The Paw Patrol, of course." Harold growled upon answering this question. "They literally pissed me off since the first time I met them."

"You sure had beef with them." Mayor Humdinger said.

"Of course..." Harold groaned again. "They're the ones that always foil my schemes to take over the city. Like it's not fair, they always win."

"Actually uncle, there's something I've been thinking about these past few days." Harold said. "Something interesting for me."

"Oh yeah?" Mayor Humdinger asked, slightly interested. "What is that?"

"I've been thinking about..." Harold looked at Mayor Humdinger and grinned. "...How to once again take over Adventure Bay."

"Seriously...?" Mayor Humdinger said. "That's all you could even think of?"

"Well, yeah." Harold gave Mayor Humdinger a look and asked: "Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is." Mayor Humdinger returned the glare to Harold and replied: "Haven't you had enough fun like those days when you tried to conquer the whole city?"

"Yeah, right." Harold groaned in frustration. "It'll be fun if those pesky pups weren't around there screwing our plans."

"And you know what else?" Harold continued. "I think this time we should try-"

"No." He was stopped by Mayor Humdinger. "Everytime you suggested those about your so-called 'taking over the city plans', it always ended up backfiring by those pups, and we're always unfortunate!! So no, I'm not gonna get whooped again."

"Oh come on, uncle..." Harold groaned. He then had an idea in mind in order to fully convince MayorHumdinger on joining him. "Hey, uncle, tell you what. If we do succeed this time, I'll split our rewards into half...and you and I will both get our fair share of rewards. How's that sound?"

This slightly gained some interest on Mayor Humdinger. He grinned and said to Harold: "Hmm...fine, but on one condition."

"What's that uncle?" Harold asked.

"Once we fully took over Adventure Bay, you'll let me become the Mayor of Adventure Bay." Mayor Humdinger smirked at Harold.

"Fine. Anything you please..." Harold sighed as he agreed on his statement. "As long as we get rid of the Paw Patrol, we can do whatever we want. Is that not the case?"

Paw Patrol AU (Skase ver.) SuperVerse S1Where stories live. Discover now