80. be vigilant

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ZACK's pov

I let out a low  growl as I entered the office

" Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! " I cursed, I left my mate at our pad after she calmed
Down. She was now asleep after hours of crying.

I was shocked when she confessed to me that she is hanna that came from another world and somehow ended up at Ashia's body.

That was beyond my imagination, but I suck it up. Believing  in her. I said to myself I can bear that fact, after all I was not only after her because she is my mate. This time I was really a hundred percent sure that even without my wolf.. i love her ashia or hanna.

But I was even more astounded to find out  the truth from her sister. They switched bodies? "Fuck". At first I was frozen back where I am hiding to hear their confrontation, confused, and a little bit mind clouded.

But when Ari.. I mean the true Ashiana, mentioned a name and told my mate that he is coming for her. Thats when my eyes saw red. I was beyond angry  that I wanted to rip Ashiana's (Ashiana in Ari's body) mouth for telling my Luna (hanna/ari in ashia's body) she is his. 'no fucking way!'. I'll kill him before he gets to touch what is mine.

She can be arriane, hanna or ashia.. so be it...she can be all or anything and I don't fucking care. I can tell My wolf don't mind it too. But she...she will stay with me! she is my Luna now, our luna and my fucking official mate and I have no plans on changing that.

I was still lost in thoughts when my beta and delta barge in

"The news that Luna's sister has gone mad was already out. Everyone wonders what happened?"

" Stop asking fucking questions ralph.!" I hissed out of irritation.

"Alpha, what's goin on?"

" She has gone mad thats what goin on! Now.. I want you  to double the patrol in evey border.. no triple it. No one can pass the territory unless I personally agree to it. And you Aaron double the hours of training make sure every one knows how to fight."

The two man were confused.
" Really..  alpha whats goin on? We needed to know man!" Raloh asked again

I released a harsh breath to calmed my self...

" I cannot tell you all the details. But the rogue king who has built an army of rogue.... He is coming unto us"

"The hell? But they said its only attacking  small packs. We are one of the biggest packs of wolves why would they target us?" Aaron asked

" I told you I cannot give you another information.. all you have to know is that They are coming here. So everyone needs to be vigilant."

"Im still confused but alright alpha we will do as You say."

"Thank you.. and Aaron put 2 of our already mated best warriors to guard the Luna. If they are females then its better"

" Copy alpha."


You might be a little bit confused with the names😅😅 as I was too🤣

So Im just going to call the female lead... true Arianne, the Luna, slash hanna from the other world that is living in Ashiana's body as... HANNA or HAN or Luna

The antagonist true Ashiana in Ariannes body will be still called ASH/ASHIANA

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