54 suspicions

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'Let's say she finds out that I am  not her real sister, because she was a keen observer,then that is valid. But her, knowing her future, a plot where she is going to be mated to Zack then that's suspicious. Very suspicious!' kira growled as I narrated my  conjectures.

' Is it possible that she is not the real Ari too? No way? Is she from the real world too?'  I continued. Then my hand deliberately covered my mouth as the shocking idea surmised in my mind.

'for now We have to find out' kira respond

Days passed by with Ari acting the sweetest sister she can ever be to me in front of our parents, but would turned cold and distance as soon as we were alone.

She hasn'tt talk to me since that night except when she had to pretend were fine infront of our parents.

And though I observed her everyday,trying to decipher her every move, I was still at a dead loss, to confirm any suspicions.

It was monday morning, Its been  five days since I returned to the pack. I was informed by the delta that I have to attend the warrior packs compulsory training in which I had skip for years being away.

Our packs ensure that every wolf at the age of 16 has to train how to fight. We had a big pack so we were divided into big groups. And we had  to do it on schedule, rotationally. Mine was every monday and friday.

I wore my navy blue fitted training leggings with sport bra terno, under a fitted training longsleeve jacket and put my hair in a pony tail.

I was greeted  by everyone in the pack as I passed by. Most of them are awed with my slimmer look, that can made ahead turn.

I greeted back at some, and gave most of them with sparing nod, not really interested in responding, to those people who ignored me before.

I reached the big court which serves as a training gym for hundreds of werewolves in the pack.

I roamed my eyes and saw more than fifty werewolves busy warming up.

I saw in my peripheral vision how everyone stops to gaze at me in astonishments as I walked straight past them, towards the corner where there are only few people, to warm up.

After warming up a bit, I decided to watch the training spar in the center of the big gym. I was walking towards the sparring area when a browned haired, tall, brosque guy with tanned skin approached me.

My mate's friend and now delta, Aaron.

" Whoah, its too early to be hot" Aaron phrased in awe with a  flirty smirk.

"Too early to flirt"

I rolled my eyes. He was one of Zack's annoying friends.

In fact I find all of his group of friends annoying when I first came here as Ashiana.

They were once the true Ashia's bullies. They are loud and proud and always flirts with different girls in the school during  high school year.

TRANSMIGRATED AND REJECTED: so What??Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin