58 the worthy Luna

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I cant help but grin looking at the crowd.. I missed this kind of feeling when the crowd cheered on me every time I won a fight, when I was still competing as judo olympians.

"Didn't know you were that strong.. I'm sorry for underestimating you Luna Ashia"

Aaron said with a wide apologetic and astonished smile

"It's fine I didn't expect her either to be easily dealt with. Guess the luck is on my side today" I shrugged.

He laughs and shakes his head.

" Well the MoonGoddess wouldn't give us a lame Luna after all, you are making me  proud to stand beside  you, such a worthy Luna"

he said in a proud tone enough for the crowd to hear making them agree in unison.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not your Luna yet.."

I just returned the smile to him and to the crowd.

It was quite dissapointing that the fight ended in just one move. Our werewolves strength seems to be stronger than I think. In one swift  move she was down with broken bones on her back didn't realized a few more strength inserted from my part and I would have killed a shewolves.

'Aaaah how can I forget the perks of being one of the characters in the novel right?   Even my sister Ari was mentioned to be a strong and one bad ass shewolves after she grew into a fine lady.'

I was hoping to use several Judo moves that I missed to do. I didnt even get the chance to choke her or pin her on arm lock with my elbow until she yielded, in which I was planning to do after I managed to push her down.

Next time I'll be more careful then..

'Well I think I am going to love sparrings from now on. It was quite fun' I said to Kira

'remind yourself then to hold back your strength or you'll break every werewolves bone in this pack.'

Kira jokingly said though I can feel she was happy and quite proud.

Then suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted when an intoxicating smell envelops my senses. My wolf howled in excitement  as my heart drummed involuntarily.

Before I managed to look at the person who was making my heart beat wild, I felt a cloth cover up my body.

The person didn't remove his arms when he wrapped up the jacket to my body, encasing me with his hard muscled tone limbs in a possessive manner. And I didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

The smell gives it all.

And as if to confirm it. He gave a low growl of warning and disapproval. As he dipped his head onto my neck and inhaled my scent to calm him.

'My mate has comeback.'


Author pov:

Just want to say thank you for those who take their time to hit the stars and comment.. It was very rewarding to know that someone was enjoying my not so perfect and not so beautiful story..

Thank you for those who leaves a comments and suggestions♥️😘

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