All I Ask

15 3 2

If I were to die, forgotten I'd seek,
No trace of my existence, no memory to keep.
For in life's fleeting moments, I've sought to be free,
From the burdens of remembernce, jest let me be.

No eulogies or elegies, no mournful song,
Let my name fade away, forgotten before long.
For what good is rememberance, when I am no more,
Just let me disappear, like a wave on a shore.

No need for tombstones to mark where I lie,
Let nature reclaim me, under the open sky.
No wilted flowers or tears shedding in vain,
Just let me dissolve, like a drop in the rain.

Mistaken identities, no resemblance to trace,
I'll blend into obscurity, without a tace.
For in the realm of forgetfulness, I'll find my peace,
I'll become unseen, as time's memories release.

No legacy to leave, no imprint to bear,
I'll vanish like mist, into thin air.
For in this fleeting existence, I yearn to be naught,
Forgotten and nameless, in oblivion I sought.

So if I were to perish, all that I ask,
Is that the world remembers not this life's past.
Fade me away like a forgotten dream's seam,
Just let me be forgotten, a whisper, a stream.


WOW that was a lot lol! Anyways, this is a poem that's been sitting in my notes app getting musty. So, I figured it'd be nice for it to see the light of day, or night. -Pip

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