Chapter 12

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2 years had passed and I was 18,my life got pretty hectic since then but the outcome,the money is what kept me going. I would get Thrown at least 1000 dollars just for roughing someone up a bit,nothing major.

I finally gotten my license and a state ID I was officially my own man now and I wasted absolutely no time moving out of my parents crappy apartment,I moved to a apartment in a city called hiddensville. The place wasn't fancy but hell it was a lot better than where I was staying,I even got my own car which was paid by John as a gift for working for him.

though this life did come with its ups and downs,good and bad hell that's the truth.

"oh shut the fuck up" John laughed in a very obnoxious dramatic tone,a large blunt in inbetween his fingers,tonight was his birthday and him and his crew were out a brothel...and I was invited unfortunately. I didn't even know what it was until they told me,as soon as I walked in I saw well,a lot. Men getting topped off or women walking around with their cherries hanging out,some went as far to wear no clothes.

"And I told him if I ever saw him again I'd cut off his balls and make him eat 'em " he took a sip of his brown liquor,I chuckled dryly taking a small sip of mine,I wasn't a going out Type of guy especially not at places like this. Women constantly tried to sit on my lap or sit close to me which made me push them off,earning a comment from one of the guy "what are ya afraid of a women?" Causing everyone to laugh a little.

I rolled my eyes and just smiled a little,I had a lady that was just right for me,not that they needed to know.

John looked over at me,taking a puff of his cigar he sat it down "kid ya know I was thinking..." his voice was quiet but quite slurred,I could hear in his tone he was a bit drunk. "Why the hell haven't I invited you into the family yet I mean,you're loyal,reliable,you do what I ask no questions asked and you don't get your hands dirty either" he slurred

Jeez is he fucking serious?

all the while he slurred on a woman was glazing down his pole like it was her last meal,which caused me to just stare anywhere but there,I chuckled dryly and shrugged. "I dunno boss" I took a small sip of my whisky,he laughed a little finding my words funny for some reason.

"Fuck..." he held the girls head down before he grabbed her by her hair and moved her to the side,I heard him zip his pants "tomorrow I want you to come by i got something for ya" I looked back over at him and I nodded a little.

the rest of the night was filled with me people watching or day dreaming since I wasn't big on drinking nor had any interest in these women besides the one probably at home asleep. I had finally explained to her about my parents and why I didn't want her to meet them,they didn't deserve to be in her presence.

After a while John had began to get drunker by the minute and eventually was ready to leave,I offered to drive him back to his place since I really didn't mind honestly,also because well he asked.

I helped him to my car and got him in on the passenger,one of the guys would get his car back home. I got in the driver seat and started up the car and drove off,as we were driving it was silent until he spoke up "you're a good kid Enzo you know that?" My face remained stoic,I didn't really know what to say. "You think so?" He only chuckled a little "tomorrow I'm going to officially talk to the guys about getting you into the family,I remember 2 years ago when I first met you,hell look at you now".

I smiled just a little and nodded "well yea...I guess people change no?" I earned a nod from him,as we were driving a stench hit my nose and my brows furrowed. "Jesus John did you piss yourself?" He looked over at me before he looked away,he lit another cigarette. "Nah...just some dead guy in the trunk" he took a puff of it,my brows furrowed I looked over at him "a dead body?" He only nodded.

"I- John I mean this in the most respectful way possible but why the hell are you driving around with a dead body?" He shrugged his shoulders lazily "I forgot,it's been maybe 3 days now" I sighed and shook my head.

This man thought he was untouchable I tell you

"Well we can't ride like this..." I said causing him to look at me,he was silent before he looked away "I already have a grave dug for the guy,you wouldn't mind going there would ya?" Yea I would actually "well if it gets us out of here with the smell then yea" I shrugged.

"There's a park up the way called Mormon park,it's not too far but far enough,I was gonna bury him there" I nodded,he told me the directions and I of course followed,couldn't believe I was doing this shit but the guy stunk so bad I almost threw up twice.

I drove to where he said and made it there eventually,I looked over seeing him hunched over knocked out,I rolled my eyes. "Of course I have to do it" I thought to myself before I got out,it was pitch dark,only light I had was the moon and my car lights.

I walked towards the trunk and opened it,I physically gaged "fuck" I mumbled,I had never smelled something so foul,I dragged the man's body out,his throat was slit wonder what he did to deserve that,I shrugged it off and I looked around spotting the quote on quote grave he had set for him,I dragged him over and I kicked his body in.

I saw a shovel in the trunk too so I grabbed it and I began to dig some dirt over the man's body,I did it until he sent visible to the human eye,couldn't believe I was burying a damn dead body.

I wiped my hands off on my jacket in disgust,i definitely needed to wash up after this,I scoffed getting back in the car and wasted no time driving off.

I dropped John off at home that day and headed to my own apartment

It was a long night

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