Chapter 4

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I was walking from the store with a bag full of groceries,my ma had sent me shopping. It was the middle of fucking January,my hands basically freezing even though I wore gloves.

I had on a pair of black overalls a white shirt and a coat,if barely kept me warm. I could feel my nose freezing at the tip,my lips chapped. In that moment walking all I could do was think about that day amina had kissed me,ever since that day she would send me looks that I couldn't explain,she'd do this thing where almost everyday after school she'd slip me a cheek kiss. I grinned at the thought,people thought I was probably a mad man,I kept walking until I heard the sound of some scuffling.

My brows furrowed and I began to stop,it was more up ahead,there were a lot of alleyways where I lived so I walked past them almost everyday. I walked up slowly,I peeked slightly into the alleyway,3 guys in suits and long trench coats,they looked expensive as hell.

One had a cigarette in his mouth,there was a man on the ground,they had stripped him to his underwear and beat him...shit I felt bad. I just kept watching.

"ti sono stati concessi tre fottuti giorni dal don" the one with the cigarette said retracting it from his mouth,he grabbed the man's face harshly and he smashed the cigarette into the man's eye causing him to yell and wale in pain.

I saw the man pull the gun out "the don sends his regards" he went to shoot but he stopped in his tracks. I looked down seeing how everything in the bag had broken,cans,bottles,and fruits and vegetables spilling out.

Well shit

I slowly looked up and they were already looking at me,I dropped  the rest of the bags and I ran off running,next thing I know I heard footsteps behind me.

I ran as fast I could "fuck" I mumbled hitting a corner, I bumped into a woman making her purse drop "sorry!" I yelled as I looked back seeing them not too far behind,I noticed alleyway up ahead I ran down it,and up ahead was a wall.

The wall wasn't too high I was pretty agile so I had no problem,I  Climbed  over a wall,I was running next thing I knew I was a large truck,looked like a meat truck come through and I stopped in my tracks slipping and falling on ice. I groaned as I held the back of my head,before I knew it I was grabbed up.

"The hell you run for" one said as he threw me across the ground,I looked up at them fear set in my eyes as I began to scoot back,they both had on long trench coats and black hats...they looked like people out of a mob only I had known that day.

One took off his black hat he had dark short hair,he walked up to me. "The hell are we's gonna do with ya huh?" He said his voice deep and gruff,I just stared eventually I spoke up. "I-I swear I didn't see anything I promise I won't tell!" I said with a tone laced with a bit of begging...maybe even a little fear,these guys looked like bad news.

The other guy spoke up. "che ne dici di ucciderli e basta?" He said Lightning a cigarette,the other one scoffed as he looked back at him "sai che il capo ha detto che non uccidiamo le donne, figuriamoci un fottuto bambino psicopatico" the guy shrugged as he took a puff of his cigarette,the other shook his head before he turned back to me. "You're coming with us...get up" I did just that,my adrenaline was pumping,I almost forgot I was freezing.

this didn't seem too well

𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant