Chapter 7

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It was the middle of spring and I had gotten a job,it was just me basically fixing the items back where they belonged,sometimes I did cash register but most of the time I did little side work.

Since my father claimed I had to "pitch in" I scoffed at the thought,delilah was next to me,she sat on a chair I usually sit in as she kicked her feet,I never thought I'd find shoes cute on a girl. She always wore red or black Mary Jane's,she wore a black dress down to her knees,her coily hair pulled up into a neat bun,she was reading a book.

I was counting the cash in the cash register at that moment I felt her eyes on me,I looked back at her and she almost gasped before going back to her book,I chuckled.

She was a shy lil thing,it was cute.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I quoted what she said to me on her first day of school,she chuckled. "I just might..." I sent her a small smile.

She sat down her book,she breathed in gently before she had blurted something that caused me to actually stop what I was doing

"Do you not want me to meet your parents because they don't like blacks?" My heart dropped,my brows furrowed and I turned to her,I didn't know how to feel,I was silent for a second before I spoke.

"bellissima..." I sighed as I closed the cash register,I stepped to her and I grabbed her soft hands gently,she meant so much to me. I caressed the top of her hand gently with my thumb. "It isn't like that I swear it's just..". I sighed,I couldn't tell her.

Oh did I mention we were dating? Yea I didn't think so. We had been dating for a good 6 months now actually,and finally made it official. I gave her a small smile,I kissed her cheek causing her to smile. The prettiest smile I had ever seen "you will meet them one day I promise you that..." she breathed out a little and smiled just a little and nodded,I had told her this many times but hell I couldn't let her meet them....she was too perfect.

"I'm gettin off in a few minutes so you can wait outside for me if you'd like" I said and she nodded,she stuffed her book in her small brown bag before she walked out of the place.

I finished counting up and I packed up,I went to walk out but stopped my brows furrowed,there were 3 boys..wait my apologies men,they all looked drunk,one went to touch her arm. I wasted no time walking out and I pushed the man away causing his brows to furrow,he scoffed.

"The hell are you" his words slurred and I rolled my eyes "back off" I said my tone stern,delilah was quiet,I knew at this moment she was scared,I wouldn't let them hurt her. One of the guys grabbed her arm. "Hey st-" I felt a fist collide with my face and I fell to the ground with a scuffle,I heard them let out howls of laughter.

embarrassment isn't even what I felt,I couldn't let them do anything to her...not delilah.

I stood up and I shoved the guy causing him to fall,one of the guys pulled out a knife and I quickly grabbed Delilah's hand and we ran,I heard them yammering on until it went silent as we ran. Then I noticed a pair of lights shine on us,my heart dropped and I turned seeing them inside a car.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you and that black who*re"

Well shit

We ran like hell,we were on the sidewalk running for our damn lives and I didn't know what to do,I didn't even know where I was leading us. I was running us back to my neighborhood,unknowingly.

As I ran I noticed the familiar building up ahead "John" I ran us into the building and I bursted through the door Delilah in hand,the yammering and laughing and talking stopped eyes on us,I was sweaty and out of breath and so was delilah.

"I-please we...we're getting chased" I pleaded and John stared over at me,he gave a head signal and a few of his guys got up going outside,he signaled me over and I gulped looking over at Delilah,she looked scared shitless.

"It's okay...I promise" I whispered as I held her hand tightly,she only nodded as we stepped up to where he was sitting,blunt in hand,half glass of liquor to his right. "Who are you running from?" I gulped and I shrugged,my heart was beating violently. "S-some guys...they tried to mess with my girl and,I told them off one pulled out a knife,we ran and they got in the car and started chasing us" I stammered and he nodded "what did the car look like?" His brow rose.

I thought for a second "it was black Chevrolet" he only nodded at my answer. "Where does the girl live? I'll get one of my guys to take her home" Delilah looked at me a little wide eyed. "I uh,I'll take her home she's,a little shooken up" he stared at me for a second before he nodded "can you drive kid?" He took a sip of his drink.

Could I drive? Hell no I couldn't "yes sir" he hummed in response before he spoke "prendi al bambino le chiavi di una delle macchine" one of the men nodded and got up,a few minutes later he came back with keys to which looked like,from what I could tell "follow me" I stared John before he nodded me off and I followed the guy,he led us outside to a long looking garage,he pressed a button and it opened my eyes widened.

I had never seen so many cars,the keys we had were to a yellow bel air Chevrolet "woah..." I mumbled and the guy smirked "don't crash it kid" he pat my shoulder before he walked off,i wasted no time getting delilah in the car first and I got in on the other side,I stared at her and she stared at me. "What the hell just happened" she let out a nervous chuckle "I honestly don't know..." I knew the basics about cars but never drove one,I started it up with my hands on the wheel and I felt eyes on me.

I looked over at Delilah again she sighed "you can't drive...can you?"


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