Chapter 45-1

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Her alpha's brother watched with pleasure as realization washed over delicate freckled features. Her lips parted, and her blacked-out eyes jumped around while she processed this revelation. She was unknowingly pushing away from him when he yanked her forward, returning her to her knees before him.

Jackson nodded for one of his guys to meet up with one of Cole's guys for the other half of the exchange. He stood to his full height and took a few steps back to admire her while the others inspected what was brought to pay Cole for his work. She was there for him, kneeling for him, was partially undressed for his inspection. She was finally his.

When satisfied with the payment, Cole spoke up, "We'll be in touch," and handed over a small key. He turned and led his team out of the warehouse. Their footsteps trailed off into the distance behind the acquisition. Soon they were drowned out by the sound of engines starting up in front of her. She was now in the care of Jackson.

The new guardian took one last look at her before reaching down and buttoning her shirt. Once in place, he lifted her with ease and carried her towards the noise of the vehicles. Isla tried not to be stiff, tried to do what Cole recommended, but too much was going on. She forgot to play the game. Every possible plot was racing through her head, trying to figure out why this was happening.

He didn't seem to mind though, as he lifted her into the back of a raised vehicle, climbing in behind her. She went to slide to the other side when he grabbed her, pulling her onto his chest, wrapping his arms around her. "Come here, precious." He scooted his hips forward so that he could lean back at an angle against the door and rested her head on his chest, his chin on her forehead. Isla felt the car take off as they drove out of the warehouse and over a gravel lot.

"I know you know it's me." He ran his fingers through her hair, catching on a few knots and running them through until it was untangled. "I know you've been looking forward to us spending time together." His body language was changing, responding to her as she remembered to relax. "I'm sorry I had to do it this way. He gave us no other choice."

Her blackened eyes were darting around, unaware that she was moving them. Jackson dropped a hand on her face and dragged it along her cheek, surprised to see how calculating she was. "These contacts are pretty neat. Are they comfortable, precious?"


"You can call me by my title. Alpha Jackson."

Her gut twisted with the first indication of his plan. He wants to become Alpha of Dark Moon.

"Say my name, precious." Jackson's tone got dark quickly.

"Yes, Alpha Jackson." She was recovering from shock and able to start this game Cole had been preparing her for.

She felt him shiver, much like Cole did with her the night before. His hand went back to stroking her, and he settled even more.

"We have a lot to talk about, a lot to work out," Jackson continued in a soft and distant tone. "You won't be going back to college. There's no need since you will be luna. Besides, the mate bond will be in place by then. You won't want to leave me."

Prying for more details, she spoke up. "I won't feel my mate bond until my twenty-first birthday, after school starts."

"We're not going to wait that long," Jackson kissed the top of her head.

Bile rose in her throat and the burning caused excess saliva to start to generate. To keep both her nausea and her quivering lip at bay, she pressed her mouth tight and swallowed.

He was planning to claim her as a chosen mate. Although if given the choice, she would never agree to it. Giving her an option wasn't his intention. He would overpower her and force her into it. Once his teeth are sunken in, marking her, there is nothing anyone could do to stop the evolution of their bond.

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