Chapter 8-2

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The thump of the bass reverberated through her chest as she walked into Club Scene. Optimistically named, is was the closest thing Winter Peak had to a real club. Immediately the humidity and heat hit her, the smell of liquor and bodies sweating everywhere. And to think her brother thought she was going to be cold in her miniskirt and barely-there top.

Isla didn't get to go out much, so this was a rare treat. Being under twenty-one, she could only go to shifter bars if she wasn't on the territory and wanted a drink.

"Mmmmmm, this is going to be a good night," Veronica announced, excitement inflecting her tone.

Scanning the room, Isla found a selection of gentlemen that would do the trick. She knew that having a wild night with one of these guys was what she needed to stop obsessing over Alec and the way his hard body pressed her up against the locker bay. Damn that chest of his. None of these were a perfect substitute, but they'll do. At least these chests won't yell at her.

Jessica walked up to the bar, squeezing between two people, and looked over her shoulder at Veronica and Isla. "What do you want to drink?"

"We should do a shot!" Veronica yelled over the music.

"Or three," Isla chimed in. Veronica and Jessica squealed their approval. The high-pitched celebration was like a call to the unmated males and single human men there. Maybe a human man was the route to go for the evening. It would be so much less complicated to flirt with someone who is unaware of her pending fated mate bond that would lock her soul to another soul for life.

"Three of the same shot? For each of us?" Jessica scrunched her nose.

"Nah, let's do one cosmo, one kamikaze, and one bartender's choice, but something to sip, not shoot. So we can walk around with it." Veronica proposed.

"Bartender drinks are the best drinks. They're stronger!" Isla squealed, and Veronica nodded. For as serious as Isla was about every other part of her life, she really enjoyed the times she got out.

A huge smile spread across her face when a black t-shirt and jeans made eye contact.

"You look like trouble," The STAFF shirt cooed her, "Please don't make me have to knock in some dude's head before the end of the night."

"I'll do my best not to get kicked out of here before your shift ends," Isla threw back at the poor unsuspecting human passing her. His chuckle reached her even as he continued to walk away.

His head turned over his shoulder to glance back at her. Predictable. He found her standing tall, making eye contact, and challenging him to do something irresponsible on company time. Afterall, this couldn't be his only job. He could get another.

Veronica's fingers wrapped around her friend's upper arm. Isla broke eye contact with security with the encouragement for some off-dance-floor-dancing while they waited for their drink order.

With a wink of approval from the bartender, all nine drinks were lined up in front of them. The three ladies crowded together and downed the first shot.

"Whew! That was strong!" Jessica scrunched her nose.

Being a wolf meant that alcohol didn't affect you the same, but it still burns on the way down.

"NEXT!" Isla called out.

They grabbed their next shot, held it in front of them like a toast, and then downed it.

"OK, that'll get me warm soon," Veronica said as she put her shot glass down and snatched hers and Isla's sipping drinks from the bar. Jessica grabbed her own, and the three of them left the crowded bar area.

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