Chapter 31

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She became aware of muscles against her face, smelling like Alec. Wrapped in high thread count sheets, the underside of a strong jaw hovering above her confirmed that she wasn't in bed anymore.

"Good morning again, sweetie." Alec's chest vibrated against Isla's face. "I cleared our schedules until after lunch to allow for that shower I was promised. I'm glad to see you are already dressed for it."

He brought them into a larger, grander version of the guest room she had just been in. Wait, no, he was bringing them through the bedroom and into the adjoining bathroom.

Of course.

Where the theme in the other rooms may have been minimal modern, the theme in the bathroom was granite on granite on granite. Lowering them onto the corner of the tub in a quarry's worth of stone she couldn't help but wonder if the floors had to be structurally reinforced before the most recent bathroom remodel.

"I hope you had a good nap," Alec said warmly.

Isla nodded. "Your guest bed is very comfortable."

He held her close to him, his fingers moving her wild hair from her face. "How was the ride with Jax?"

"It was uneventful until we got to your apartment, that is."

"You're such a stabby warrior, sweetie." Alec grinned, "Should I warn the rest of my family that you have a penchant for impaling Killian boys? Maybe my other brother, Carter, should employ extra security while you are here. Given your ambitious nature, maybe my dad too."

The teasing was a welcome homecoming, even if she wasn't home. It had only been seven hours since she left his side that morning, but she was used to always having him around. Accessible if not nearby. She was back in his arms.

"Now, let's get your punishment out of the way so we can get back to our schedules today."

Her joints protested this rude awakening by freezing up.

"There you go again, sweetie. You know I will never harm you." Alec cooed at her.

"I just don't understand why you have to do any of that." Isla huffed as much as her stiffened body would let her. "It was an accident, I had good reason, and I apologized."

"It's not your decision to make," Alec said pointedly. "I'm going to head into the room, and I'll be back in a minute or so. I'd like for you to present yourself and wait for me here." He kissed her on the forehead and stood up. Placing her on her feet, he took his linens back from her.

"Yes, Alpha Alec."

Lowering her nakedness to the cold floor was not the morning she wanted to have. She spread her knees apart and placed her hands, palms up, on her thighs. The bare side of her neck angled to complete her presentation to him.

Zippers slid open and closed and bags were rustled in the main room. Alec was rummaging while she waited. A minute later, he came back with his much searched for items.

"Beautiful," he glowed. "You are so beautiful." A dark twill hem rested on the top of his high arched bare feet. Although his retrieved paraphernalia and upper body were out of view, enough of his shirt was in her peripheral vision to confirm it was still on, still tight, and still sexy. "We are addressing a couple things this morning. Do you want me to tell you what they are, or do you know what your punishment is for?"

"Please tell me, Alpha Alec." She responded softly.

"There was the missed phone call. Not only should you have called me when you were safe in my apartment, but you should have called me right away if someone had threatened you." He moved to sit on the tub behind her, lovingly running his fingers over the curve of her exposed neck. "And there was the backtalk on the phone when we discussed this punishment. Is this clear, sweetie?"

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