Simple beginnings

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His hands wouldn't stop trembling... He didn't think he could hold a pen if you asked him to.

Phoenix could still hear Von Karma's scream ringing through the court halls his vicious thrashing and slamming like a man with nothing to lose. Despite being surrounded by all his friends, even Miles... He couldn't shake the feeling of such intense sickness.

"Wright?" Phoenix turned around, greeted by Edgeworth with a faint smile on his face, such a rare occurrence. " Thank you so much... I- I don't really know how I should thank you. Who could have known Von Karma would have murdered my father," He paused. " Over a single penalty, just because it would ruin his 'perfect' record".  Edgeworth's eyes seemed so tired, Phoenix could understand why though. Today was exhausting, maybe they all needed to unwind.  

"Edgeworth"Phoenix saw Edgeworth's eyes snap back towards him, who knows what was going on in that head of his. "Listen, today has been a mess...Do you want to go get a drink with me? I could bring along Maya and you could bring Gumshoe."


Phoenix was quite surprised at his answer, so blunt. 

"Well, because we're friends. Are we not? It's been a difficult and confusing day, I think we all need this."  Phoenix waited for his answer, he seemed unsure. So he began to slowly back away, as Phoenix was just about to turn around to talk to Maya he heard an answer.

"Really? I mean I'm not forcing you to come with me."

"No-no it's ok. I want to. I really need this."

"Great! Oh um by the way.. So you know how I don't have a drivers licence..."

And thats how Phoenix ended up in Edgeworth's glaringly red sports car with Maya behind him excitedly chattering on about the case to Gumshoe. He kept zoning in and out so he didn't really pick up on their conversation, but Phoenix did hear a few snippets.

"Sure, pal! It was a really intense trial! I was rooting for Mr Edgeworth the entire time!"

"Yeah! Nick's objections kept making me jump out of my seat!"

He let out a small chuckle which clearly made Maya angry since she immediately turned around just to kick his seat. "Hey Nick! You should be grateful that we are complementing your defence work, you know you get really sloppy at times too! We could have been talking about that but we're not!"

"Yeah well its not like your a defence attorney yourself Maya, I'd like to see you have a go at defending someone." 

Next to him Phoenix heard a small giggle from Edgeworth, he always took him to be the serious type. Stone faced and cold.

"See Edgeworth appreciates my complex and highly intelligent humour. Clearly he has extraordinary taste."

Edgeworth started blushing and turning bright red, maybe he was trying to stifle a laugh. Phoenix didn't have the chance to ask him though since they had just arrived at the bar.

"Right we're here, drinks on me!"

The huge smile on Gumshoe's face was too funny not to laugh at.

"Hey pal! Not all of us have to opportunity to buy drinks every week." He started to mumble to himself.

Maya quickly turned around to Phoenix and started tugging on his sleeve.

"Nick! Nick! Please let me buy some drinks too. I want to buy beer and wine and whiskey and all the good stuff!"

"Absolutely not Maya, you're not 18 yet. I'll buy you some mocktails though."

Maya let out a huge groan and started complaining to Gumshoe about how Phoenix treats her like a child and that she should be given responsibility, and how she is too cool to get drunk.


This is my first story I've every written and it may have an irregular schedule. I will try to keep the chapters as long as I can, if you have any constructive criticism about my writing style please don't refrain from telling me. I want this story to be a good experience for everyone reading it.

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