clumsy waiter turned hot musician (P1)

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"So, you really want this job? you do know it is one of my father's bars, right?" Yeji asked with a concerned tone of voice.

"Yeji right now I really don't care. I don't ever want to step back into that club." Ryujin retorted.

"Then go get dressed. you've got a lot to learn and in a short amount of time" Yeji said with a smile on her face.

Ryujin nodded and walked into Yeji's room. she grabbed a white button up, black slacks, and a white and black tie.

"Wow my baby is so handsome" Yeji said with a chuckle.

"Well, I mean look at you. you also look amazing in that burgundy polo shirt. you literally make everything look good" Ryujin retorted back.

Yeji grabbed Ryujin's hands and her purse and walked out the door to Yeji's personal driver. Yeji noticed Ryujin was nervous. Yeji explained to Ryujin that she will be working the days her father won't be there.

at the bar

"So, we come a little earlier to make sure everything is good. I want to give you a lay out of the bar. so, follow me Ryujin" Yeji mentioned.

"Hey Yeji. before we do that. I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a chance with this." Ryujin said with a slight nervous tone of voice.

" of course, Ryujin now let me give you the run down okay. we got a lot to work on and only a few hours to show and explain it all" Yeji said with a smile on her face.

Yeji gave her an explanation of how things work and gave her the lay out of the bar. she explained where things were and that working here is constant communication.

a few hours later

 Yeji opened the bar and set Ryujin her first task which was to wait the tables. a customer ordered beer. Ryujin walked over to Yeji and told her she needed 2 pints of beer.

" Hey Yeji, I need to pints of beer." Ryujin mumbled.

"What Ryujin I really can't hear you over the music I need you to speak louder" Yeji voiced without making eye contact with Ryujin

" I need to pints of beer please" Ryujin yelled.

Yeji nodded to Ryujin while making conversation with one of the customers at the bar.

a few minutes later Yeji handed Ryujin the two pints of beer. Ryujin took the mugs of beer which were filled to the brim causing her to spill the beer one the floor while walked to the table. she made it to the customers and handed them the mugs with a lot less beer then originally served.

" So there cheeping out on the beer. I wouldn't have thought that would ever happen to a bar that sits about 300 people a day."

" Yea let us speak to the manager."

Ryujin walked back to Yeji and explained what happened. without looking at Ryujin she motioned to jihyo and minji to stay behind the bar and serve drinks. Yeji then walked over to the customers.

"Hi I'm Hwang Yeji. manager of the bar. I was told you guys wanted to talk to me." Yeji said with a smile on her face.

the man didn't answer. he pointed to the quarter empty mug then looked at Ryujin

"i will get you guys two more pints of beer. on the house no charge" yeji said as she walked to the bar.

" ryujin my office. now" yeji said

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