use your Tongue (p1)

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1 week later

Yeji was curious to find where Ryujin lives as she was always scruffy and full of rags, so she hired a private driver that her dad does not know of to follow day she saw Ryujin going towards a studio apartment.

(Yeji's internal monologue)

"Can't be hers, can it?"

The apartment building that Yeji was looking at had 10 floors and an elevator on the outside.  Yeji was right across from the apartment building when she spotted a familiar person.

"Ryujin?" Yeji whispered to herself.

Yeji saw from the bar that Ryujin was going towards the elevator which could only be accessed by a key card.

"She lives here?" Yeji whispered to herself again.

Yeji was confused so she waited to see what floor Ryujin was going to get off. she watched Ryujin get off at the top which was surprising to see cause of Ryujin's condition.

3 days later

Yeji called her private driver and asked her to pick her up from her apartment building which also happened to be the drivers building. Yeji's driver knocked on Ryujin's door and asked Ryujin to come with him. Ryujin hesitated.

"I assure you it's in your best interest to come with me miss shin." Yeji's driver said sternly.

"Alright alright Jesus. let me go put some clothes on" Ryujin said with a bit of an attitude.

Ryujin put on her limited-edition blink 182 shirt and her blue ripped jeans on. she then went to where the driver was parked.

after 15 minute they arrived at the familiar place.

"Yeji's mansion?" Ryujin whispered to herself.

Ryujin got out of the car and walked up to the door. she then rang the doorbell. none of the guards were working today so Yeji was the one to open the door.

"Hey Ryujin. how are you?" Yeji asked Yeji.

"i-im good Yeji. h-how are you?" Ryujin breathed out while stuttering.

"I am good. I like your outfit, Ryujin. dump weed is the best song by them." Yeji mentioned as she tried grab Ryujin's attention.

Ryujin analyzed Yeji up and down as she saw that Yeji wore a pastel purple mini skirt, which grabbed Ryujin's attention first because of her thighs, followed by a white crop top. as she came back to, she heard Yeji ask her a question.

"ryu? would you like to come in?" Yeji asked softly.

"sure" Ryujin replied.

she set up some Avni pinot noir wine and two glasses to have with Ryujin.

"Yeji why am I here? your driver told me it was in my best interest to come?" Ryujin questioned Yeji.

" i just wanted to see my monkey" Yeji replied very seductively whilst ordering Ryujin to grab one of the wine glasses.

a couple of hours later

Ryujin was never the type of person to like wine. however, Yeji was drunk and all over the place.

"Oh my god Yeji please sit down." Ryujin pleaded

"nuh uh. I don't want to sit down. I... got to go to the bathroom" Yeji said whilst giggling

Yeji got up with her glass of wine and went to bath room.

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