youre beautiful

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Yeji drove Chaeryeong home then took Ryujin Back to her house.

"Ryujin, please don't touch anything in my home okay. At least not yet. You need to shower. Like really bad. How long have you been gone?" Yeji asked with a confused tone of voice.

"Like a month? I think. Honestly, I don't remember. I just don't want to be with those people, "Ryujin said while looking out the window.

"Who are those people if you don't mind me asking" Yeji questioned the younger 

"Why do you fucking care. you probably hate me. which I wouldn't be surprised because I tried taking your purse. but I really can't stand it. I have nowhere to go. so, I'm just on my own." Ryujin yelled.

"Ryujin, I please let me-" Yeji stopped when she realized Ryujin wasn't looking at her.

"Ryujin looks at me when I'm speaking. I was nice enough to bring you back to my home and not kill...I mean call the cops on you "Yeji said sternly with her cat-like eyes piercing daggers through the back of Ryujin's head.

"Y-yes ma'am" Ryujin stammered as Yeji handed her red hoodie and some dark blue jeans.

"The water tends to get cold very fast so quickly take a shower, okay?" Yeji casually mentioned to her as she walked out.

About 15 minutes later Ryujin was ready to get out of the shower. She went to reach for a towel and realized there weren't any.

"Shit" Ryujin mumbled.

"Yeji!" Ryujin yelled.

"What's up Ryujin?" Yeji said through the day.

"Can you grab me a towel please. I didn't realize I didn't have one" Ryujin shouted through the door.

"Yea I just need to run downstairs to get the towels I don't normally use the one in my room," Yeji mentioned as she walked away.

Yeji came upstairs with the towel. She walked into the bathroom to hand her the towel when she saw Ryujin. she also heard Ryujin singing a familiar song.

(inside of Yeji's brain)

Wow I didn't know she was this pretty. Her wet black hair shining in the bathroom light. Even the curves of her body are perfect. and you sing so well. maybe you can sing like that for me one day.

Yeji placed Ryujin's towel on the rack and walked out of the bathroom listening to Ryujin singing because by stray kids Felix and changbin

"Ryujin, your towel is on the rack. I'll be downstairs making you something to eat." Yeji said as she walked away.

Ryujin came downstairs holding her clothes and the wet towel.

"Thank you for letting me shower. I really needed it. I must get going through." Ryujin said quietly.

"Take this. It's some snacks and stuff. I also gave you an extra jacket and some money." Yeji said sadly as she walked Ryujin to the door.

"Thank you, Yeji." Ryujin said as she walked away.

I really hope I can see her again. she was really really really pretty.

perfect night -ryejiWhere stories live. Discover now