introduction to the story

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" hey get off of me, '' Ryujin muttered, unable to see due to the blind fold on her face.

" Ahh ryujinnie. Why would I let you go? Don't You want to spend some time with me? " the unknown woman whispered into ryujins ear

"I- i dont k-know who you are? Who are you? " ryujin asked once again while stuttering

The unknown woman walks over to Ryujin and takes her blind fold off.

" Awe my little monkey is flush in the face. You like what you're seeing ryujin." Yeji said as she pulls Ryujin closer to her by the neck tie.

" y- yeji. what are you doing?" Ryujin pondered while being brought to a chair that was in the middle of the room

" You'll see my little monkey. Just be a doll and sit in the chair for me okay?" Yeji said seductively

"Y-yes ma'am." Ryujin muttered out.

Yeji slowly took ryujins black neck tie off and started to tie her arm to the chair. She did the same thing with the blind fold ryujin had on before

" now ryujin. I want to know what you're thinking about. Cause you're not looking at me. You're actually looking everywhere but me. " Yeji said teasingly while running her nails against ryujins jawline.

" i- im not thinking about anything y-yeji." Ryujin Said while Avoiding eye contact with yeji.

"Ryujin-ah" Yeji said, whispering whilst climbing on to Ryujins covered thighs.

" fine yeji. I'm thinking about how hot you look in that black lace and how I just want to Take it off of you." Ryujin cried when she felt yeji grinding on her leg.

" Ryujin, you're not the one in charge anymore. " yeji said, then Kissed the corner of ryujins Lip.

perfect night -ryejiWhere stories live. Discover now