Chapter 23: Conclusion Jumping

Start from the beginning

You inhaled through your nose and shuddered. 'Vanilla my arse.'

Dean's eyes twinkled in amusement as he held back a chuckle at your expense. He took a large mouthful himself to finish his own glass before holding out his hand to take yours again. "Drink up and I'll get you another. You need it."

Well, you weren't so sure you wanted another, but you drank anyway. Your mouthful was just as large as the first, only going down easier, having no more tastebuds left. Gratefully though, you handed him your glass and followed him with your eyes as he stood up.

Before walking back to the trolley, he leant over and planted a kiss on your head. "You'll see 'em again one day. Even if I have to take you there myself."

On saying that he walked away and you exhaled slowly, willing your brain to refocus. He knew you too damn well.

Upon hearing the clinks of glassware hitting the metal tray again, you returned your eyes to the screen in front of you to clear the previous search. "Okay... So where else did you go when you were in Kripke's Hollow?" you called out across the room. "Did you guys stop for fuel? Break a few hearts at the local bar?"

"No fuel. No bar," he said with his back to you again. "I never broke any hearts. They all knew what they were getting into." You heard the smirk in his voice and saw it too when he turned around to look at you, "The only one I ever broke was yours."

'Yeah right.' Even though you had just told yourself no more memories seconds before, you smiled fondly at the time when things were awkward between you. "What about Lisa?" you asked without thinking.

"She broke mine..." He deadpanned. "Wanna list the other women you read about in the books?" His eyes lit up tauntingly.

Why did you bring it up? You didn't need to discuss any of his exes. You were comfortable enough in your relationship and knew you were stuck with him. Sam constantly reminded you of that.. "Nah. Sorry, I brought it up."

"My ex or you reading the books behind my back?"

Your face dropped. And there you were trying to be mature. "Don't make me bring up later and how you kept changing your mind."

"I already did!" His eyes wagged at you playfully before he turned back around to busy himself with pouring the scotch. "We did stop at a dive though. It charged by the hour. Yet we chose it to avoid Sammy hooking up with another demon. Chuck predicted that..." He paused, shook his head and then continued. "It had a bullfighter out the front. And ah... Nope. Names in Spanish, that's all I got."

Your fingers typed out the word motel into the search bar and hit enter, bringing up four results. "Okay. There's only one that charges by the hour... The Toreador," you said slowly. Not one hundred per cent sure how to pronounce the word.

Upon clicking on the link you noticed a very large wooden bullfighter holding the vacancy sign. Above him, a neon one that spelt out the motel's name, only half the letters were blacked out. It would seem the Google Street car had taken the street view image at the wrong time. "It has the wooden bullfighter too. Reckon you can find your way?"

"Course I can," he said as he made his way back over to you. Confident as ever.

He handed you your glass as he sat down and pulled your laptop towards him. "Wow. They still haven't fixed their fucking sign."

His gripe was a little odd but you ignored him, swivelling in your chair to watch over his shoulder and wrapping your hand around his arm to ground yourself. 'Moment of truth,' you thought. Your hope riding on Dean finding Chuck's address. You'd found absolutely nothing on him so far. Just like you and Charles, he didn't seem to exist.

 Abducted: Part Three (SPN | Dean x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now