Chapter 23

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Percival's POV

The door opens right before I reach it, and I almost fall on the floor, although I manage to keep the balance at the last moment.

Gabriel looks at me with a confused expression, so I close the door after me, and I lead him to the couch.

"Why are you here?" He asks me curiously, and I can see that he's very happy that I came back earlier.

"Well, I was at the pack house, and I saw that the guards were dragging Julie inside.

So, I assumed that she was here, and when they refused to tell me what happened, I decided to come here to see if you're alright.

"Thanks." Gabriel says, and he gives me a hug.

"I'm alright, I think that she was trying to kill me, because I saw that the guards found a knife in her pocket, but she didn't manage to get inside of the house." He tells me, and I nod.

"That's good." I say, before I remember what happened a while after I left the house. "She threatened me this morning." I say, and he looks at me with a frown.

"What did she say? Did you tell Denver about this?" Gabriel asks.

"I told Denver, but we decided to not do anything about this for now. He said that he will talk with her soon, but the treats weren't that bad, so he said that it can wait until the evening." I tell him with a shrug.

"What did she tell you?" He asks, and I roll my eyes at his curiosity.

"She said that if I won't leave you alone, then she will lie to Denver that I did something to her.

And I just ignored her, which made her angry, but she decided to walk away and leave me alone." I say.

"I just hope that if you will ever meet your mate, then she or he won't be as crazy as Julie." He tells me.

I really doubt that I will have a mate, because the werewolves usually get their mates when they're very young, and I'm almost thirty, so I doubt that I will ever get mine.

I decide to just nod in agreement, because I don't want to start another conversation about mates.

Thankfully Gabriel doesn't mention it again, and we decide to watch the TV for a while.

Not much later, when I realise that Gabriel is taking a nap, I go downstairs to make some food for us.

I can see that some of the guards went back outside, but a few of them are sitting in the living room.

I greet them when I walk past the living room, and then I try to decide what I want to eat.

I make a salad, because I'm sure that Gabriel will eat it even if he's not hungry.

I take the food upstairs, even though I know that we shouldn't eat there.

I guess that I can break Tyler's rules when he's not in the house.

I chuckle slightly, when I realise that Gabriel most likely won't be very happy about eating upstairs.

But I go there anyway, and I set his salad on a shelf that's next to the bed, so it can wait there until he will want to eat it.

But I start to eat mine right away, because I'm too hungry to wait on him.

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